It's been really difficult for me to talk about it

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hello my name is chansey. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in september 2008. I have been reading the macmillan site since then but never had the courage to register and enter discussions. I've had a mastectomy,lymph nodes removed, 6 months chemo, 5 weeks radiotherapy, herceptin which I finished this february and at easter I had reconstuctive surgery. Now I've finished treatment and have had time to reflect on everything. I haven't spoken properly to anyone about all of this, I permanently got my 'brave face' on because I don't want to upset my family but unfortunately my home life has changed a lot over the past 6 months and it gets a bit too much for me...but same again, I don't tell anyone, I usually go for a drive to the park, have a good cry and then go back home with my 'brave face' on again!  I would be grateful for any advice at all.. thanks

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chansey, glad you plucked up the courage to post on here. There is loads of support on this site as you will know from reading the blogs.

    I found it really unsettling when I finished treatment. I felt that I had been seen by doctors on a very regular basis and being monitored really closely, but then that was all taken away from me. That feeling does pass in time.

    You may also be suffering from depression as cancer and depression can often go hand in hand. A chat with your GP might be worthwhile as I am sure there will be something they can prescribe for you.

    In the meantime, don't hesitate to come on here and get things off your chest if you need to. That's what we are all here for.

    Feel free to PM me if you want. Let me know how things go for you.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Chansey - you sound just like my sister. She has been through this as well (with me blundering along blindly & lost). Having been on this site more and reading about peoples different perspectives and feelings about this pre/during & post treatment has taught me such a lot. It has also made me realise how easy it is to 'accept' the brave face or casual 'I'm fine' without daring to dig deeper. Please talk to people and let them know how you really feel - if not in the real world then on here or to a counsellor. I could have done so much more for my sister if she had not been so private and now feel so guilty for what I think you would call a blase attitude. Just remember we aren't all psychic and we do care, but we need to be told how we can help. Many people may not say anything to you as seeing brave face tells us you are coping and we are scared to mention the 'C' word for fear of upsetting you. That make sense ?

    Take care & do speak up !

    Jewels x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chansey

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March this year and my treatment is going to follow much the same pattern as yours. I have been on the site since a few weeks after my op and have found ti a great help to speak to people going through the same as me. Although I  have huge support from my family as well.

    I know all about the 'brave face' I think we all do it to an extent. Mine was to head of too many questions when I was too tired to talk or just because I was bored of talking about it.

    But everyone needs someone to whom they can vent wether on here or at home, luckily I have both, I'm sure you have someone too, please talk to them.

    I've also heard its very natural to feel at a loss when treatment ends and can appreciate the psychology of this though I'm not there yet!

    Cancer has played a huge role in your life for the last couple of years and probably something you've thought about everyday so give your self time to get used to it being on the backburner and hopefully soon you'll hardly think of it at all.

    Perhaps try chatroom on here, I use it and there's some pretty amazing people in there.

    Wishing you well for the future hope to see you in chat.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Chansey,

    You did the right thing by coming on this site, we are all here to help eachother through the good and bad times.The people on the site are very helpful if you want to ask questions,talk or feel like letting your feelings go.

    There is always someonehere to talk or try to help answer any queries that you have.

    If it helps try and get your family together and chat about your feelings and their feelings,Its amazing how better you feel afer a good talk. Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.XXX

  • FormerMember

    thank you everyone for your replies, I am really grateful. I've just got back from my local park where I went to watch the race for life,it was good to see everyone all dressed in pink and enjoying the run.

    thanks again
