are mum's always insane...or have I only just noticed....

1 minute read time.

I'm 47...a single independant woman with two grown up sons......I also have cancer.....

I can't drive at the moment so mum and dad assist me.....yesterday I got my permanent lung drain put in.....

mum spoke for me at the hospital.....she started to give them my old name maiden name....

i was filing my nails while waiting....she told me to stop or they would break........

she rings my doctor and district nurse without telling me.......

I was changing for an x ray...she followed me and started to undress me......then took all my clothes with her.......

she was in such a flap that the door banged really loud and the staff came to see what it was...mum just stood there looking at me......

she interrupts the doctors when they are trying to explain something and we all lose the thread ....

my poor dad bimbles along with me in my wheelchair...then mum comes running and rushes us around......

I was waiting in the car for him, texting my friend....mumsie took my phone and handbag from in the car...and home we silence....

I'm 47...a single, independant woman with two grown up sons....

six months ago I ran the 'race for 25 minutes...I drove..I walked my dog....and i had my own business...

then the cancer came back........

now I've got mumsie.....a hell of a lot of PATIENCE....and a new found respect for my dad......!! 

  • FormerMember

    aaww thanks everyone....

    I've got a little lump in my throat now.......

    and an extra tenner in my purse......mum's been round this morning....!!


    jackie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi jackie, just got back and saw this.

    I'm with Hils on the barking mad,' well its your fault, trust you to try and outdo me,always have to go that step too far don't you,  my cancer is worse than yours' type thing though my mum was also like yours on the fuss once she had got that over with.... She used to put the handbrake on when I pulled up at junctions and then shout at me for not checking and stalling the car....

    Once when I didn't have patience over something, she said one day you will have children and know what it feels like. I did and do and she was right....

     BUT!!! I wouldn't do that sort of thing to my son even though I quietly worry on here, I tend to do the opposite with him

    Though this sounds awful, I am so so glad my mum is not still around for me and my cancer cos she would do all that and more and I would go bonkers. So, No advice, cos me and my brother never managed. At her funeral my brother said 'my mum taught me tolerance and patience and the ability to take a deep breath and not react'.  I never learned and fought. Oh dear :D

    All I can say is yes, all mums are bonkers but I guess cos its cos they love us. That tough girl, I can do it myself image was the hardest one for me to let go of during treatment and still struggle now with it. Perhaps you can tell your mum you struggle with losing so much so can she humour you in letting you do some things yourself? so she still feels in control even though you are....

    Just a thought, otherwise do my coping strategy which is to laugh with your friends about how awful it is! and I'll look forward to the next installment...

    Big hug to you

    Little My xxx

  • Ha , You made me laugh! I can always tell when my mum is re emerging from chemo or surgery. All of a sudden out of the blue she starts participating in the details of my life. Makes me laugh now and we all think, mum's back! (Then quietly breath a sigh of relief. )

    When I read your contributions I always want to let you know how much your independence and balanced approach to life shines through.

    Love Court


  • Just read your info and blogs, Jackie you are absolute inspiration! The reason I work in Fundraising for Macmillan is to help people just like you. There was me moaning about giving up crisps......

  • FormerMember

    hiya angie,  glad you like it......

    I think a lot of us enjoy writing the blogs... it gives us a chance to let off a bit of steam...but in a nice and constructive way..

    and all the better if it helps others too....

    So really...I should be thanking you......cos if it weren't for this web site.....a lot of us would be completely lost in the wilderness....

    love  jackie xx


    ha ha...nothing wrong with giving up crisps......remember, they're only little crumbs..!!