are mum's always insane...or have I only just noticed....

1 minute read time.

I'm 47...a single independant woman with two grown up sons......I also have cancer.....

I can't drive at the moment so mum and dad assist me.....yesterday I got my permanent lung drain put in.....

mum spoke for me at the hospital.....she started to give them my old name maiden name....

i was filing my nails while waiting....she told me to stop or they would break........

she rings my doctor and district nurse without telling me.......

I was changing for an x ray...she followed me and started to undress me......then took all my clothes with her.......

she was in such a flap that the door banged really loud and the staff came to see what it was...mum just stood there looking at me......

she interrupts the doctors when they are trying to explain something and we all lose the thread ....

my poor dad bimbles along with me in my wheelchair...then mum comes running and rushes us around......

I was waiting in the car for him, texting my friend....mumsie took my phone and handbag from in the car...and home we silence....

I'm 47...a single, independant woman with two grown up sons....

six months ago I ran the 'race for 25 minutes...I drove..I walked my dog....and i had my own business...

then the cancer came back........

now I've got mumsie.....a hell of a lot of PATIENCE....and a new found respect for my dad......!! 

  • FormerMember

    What can I say...once a mum always a mum......mine is nearly eighty and if she had been allowed would have reacted in much the same way as yours.    I am sure you don't need telling that it is because to her you are still her little girl and need looking after.   Your dad sounds very much like mine also,they are celebrating 60yrs of marriage next month and couldn't even agree on a venue for their "do",but as usual Mum knows best hahaha.   I am so glad you are being patient with her....its not her fault,she probably hurts so much inside and its her way of dealing with things XXXXXXX      PS when my mum comes to see me she secretly gives me money...which I don't need....but its her way of trying to make things better and its all she can do.     Colette

  • Hi Chansey I have to agree with Shivsmum and if one of your sons was in the same position as you you would possibly be a bit if not a lot like your Mum (I know heaven forbid)

    Seems like she is a little (sorry for the understatement) over protective but maybe it is her way of showing she cares and no matter how old you are your still in her eyes her little girl annoying but as Shivsmum says once a mum.And maybe it's her way of dealing with things and even if it doesn't make you feel better it may help her in feeling she is doing something to help Mums always try to make it better to the point of getting on your nerves or maybe it helps her feel she has some control in a situation were really she doesn't 

    Your patience is above and beyond and you seem to still have your sense of humour and your Dad seems resigned to his fate clever man 

    good luck and all good things

    Scraton xxxx

  • FormerMember

    I think that's called over-caring, and I guess it's better than not caring at all. I bet you if my mum (who really was pretty much barking mad) had lived to see me get cancer her reaction would've been "What did you do to get that?" - I suspect she would've blamed it on Not Eating Properly (I'm a vegetarian, of sorts), or dyeing my hair, or whatever crazy bee had got into her bonnet that day. 

    It's got to be seriously annoying, though. My friend, though I love her dearly, has a tendency to try to talk for me. I appreciated it when I had lung problems and couldn't get out more than a half-dozen words at a time, but I'm kind of over it now. But I know she means well - just like your mum.

    It's also possible that your mum is just desperate to do something for you - anything at all. She can't take away the cancer, although I bet she would if she could, so she does whatever she can instead to (in her eyes) help.

    There you go, a wee bit of amateur cod-psychology to brighten your morning!

    Poxy cancer.



  • FormerMember

    Awww... bless your mum.  I am sure I would be exactly the same if it was one of my children. xx

  • FormerMember

    I think all mums have a built in bit of their brain that makes them want to control everything (that includes husbands) and it seems to get worse as they get older or the kids get older. The mother feels needed less so starts to control even more. Old aunts have to be included as well, as my mother died when I was Eleven, she had very bad manic depression ever since her early twenties. She used to be in and out of the local mental hospital, leading them a merry dance (probably her way of being in control) and being treated with all kinds of drugs to no avail, sadly she died of silent pneumonia after having electric shock treatment, but had she been around today I know she would have rearranged the chemo ward and the nurses ,sorted out everyone elses problems and done a bit of spring cleaning. 

    I know I would go to the ends of the earth and fight a few monsters along the way for my son.

    So keep your sense of humour Chansey and let her try to keep the monsters at bay.

    Ruby xxxx