A week away!

Less than one minute read time.

Less than a week away and we are working our way up to a warm up challenge, a gentle race up the stairs (many many stairs). 

Me and Jonah have decided to our warm up challenge should be the dreaded Albert Embankment Stair Sprint. After casually having a joke or two about it, this picture highlights the challenge before us:

I am quite interested to hear about how long you think it will take us budding “athletes” to complete this. Please leave a comment with your predictions as we hope to film us setting some new records. 

Also for those in and around the Manchester area, this is all in aid of our real challenge – the Cheshire Walk. If you are unable to attend the full length of the walk but want to pop in and say hello, feel free to turn up before or after the walk. We will be filming our adventure for the whole community to see.  

Our sponsorship drive hasn’t gone too well so far. Visit our Justgiving page to sponsor us and help Macmillan support people that are affected by cancer. 

  • FormerMember

    20 minutes :) oh I don't know... I'd need to set up base camp and it would take me about 3 weeks I reckon!

    Good Luck!!

    I am guessing its running up ;) ... do you get to slide down the banisters? That would be fun.....

    Little My x


  • FormerMember

    I'm guessing 1 second a stair at the bottom and a minute a stair at the top. If it were me it would be a minute a stair at the top - of the first flight.

    Watch out for knobs on the bannister they could be very painful - even just thinking about them.

    My knees are aching just thinking about this - all three of them,


  • FormerMember

    It shouldn't take two fit young men more than 15 minutes, i guess, but how fit are you? Sorry your sponsorship isn't  quite up to scratch yet. I can't remember if I've done it but if not, will see to it ( a little bit of luck on a gee-gee yesterday so I must share it!)

    I'm not near enough to Manchester to drop in on the walk, but am looking forward to the film. Best of luck and remember to take a stack of plasters!


  • FormerMember

    Oh dear.

    running is not in my planning, so