ceejayx2's blog

  • cancer research


    this is a picture of my 2 nephew'sraising money for cancer research the one that is looking a little wet was windsurfing for cancer research it was an event to be held all over the country. they was aiming to get a 1000 windsurfers on lakes all over the country at 12 o clock yesterday , he did it in memory of sarah and i am very proud of him he wind surfed from 10am till 4pm so way to go andy sarah will be very proud…

  • happy 40th


    today sarah (indie chick) should be celebrating her 40th birthday, i hope she is partying where ever she is oasis playing full blast glass or 2 of baileys. i love and miss you everyday wish we was having your party with you, i have bought some chinese lanterns so watch out for them. R I P my indie chick stay gold forever .

    also thinking of sam kiz and chels love u all xxx

  • is it really 6 months?


    how fast does life go, feels like only yesterday i was saying goodbye to you but in reality its been 6 hard months i miss you every single day, you changed my life in so many ways i miss the crazy times we had the laughs i even miss the tears we shared. you are and always will be an amazing person that touched so many people i love and miss you sarah everyday god bless you .


  • happy new year to all



    Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you've always wanted to do but couldn't find the time. Call up a forgotten friend. Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. Vow not to make a promise you don't think you can keep. Walk tall, and smile more. You'll look ten years younger. Don't be afraid to say, 'I love you'. Say it again. They are the sweetest…

  • wish the hurt would stop


    not blogged in so long but today feel the need to get this out. its 3 months tomorrow since sarah passed away and its not getting easier today i spoke with sam and just really understanding how hard it is for them, hes struggling with his loss the  girls are heart broken and me well i just want her back with all my heart wish this didnt happen to us she was a massive part of our lives and its destroying us. i know we should…