Update; Learning a Lesson; Next Surgery????

2 minute read time.

Saturday 23rd April 2011: Had a busy week, with physio and really getting this arm and breast area opening up and moving again due to it all curling back after radio therapy, so its hard work, sore, but slowly getting there.

Visited a garden centre with  a neighbour, great day out, felt really tired soon after, got home and went straight to bed felt very weak! Early hours of the morning around 4am, ended up seeing emergency doctor due to difficulties in breathing and tight chest, thick mucous spit and running extreme hot and cold.

Everything was checked and nothing showed up, blood pressure, oxygen, pulse, etc all fine, Had to drink loads of fluid and sleep upright. I had a reaction to something and although cannot be sure, would bet it on having been in the garden centre! Various smells, herbs and ate organic egg mayonnaise baked potato, even thought about getting some herbs to grow and touched a few; New to me, but thought nothing of it until difficulties later that I had had a reaction definitely.   The Silent Reflux had kicked in big time and reminded me once more to be very aware of sprays, smells, dust etc.Lots of spores also going about in a garden centre, so lesson learnt!!!!

Unable to go into hydro pool or swimming pool as yet also due to having the chemo and radio therapy chemicals still in system and would therefore cause me problems.

Getting a wee bit nervous now as got two appts this week on the same day and no doubt a date will be set for very near future for next operation and also the removal of ovaries etc. Hope its not to be a full hysterectomy, but have to wait until gynae decide. Best hope is that they may be able to remove ovaries/fallopian tubes via key hole surgery at the same time of my second mastectomy and reconstruction; but spoke to Genetic Counsellor and if it means a hysterectomy is required, then I have to have the second mastectomy and reconstruction as like my first one, then the hysterectomy later. Keep fingers etc crossed I will be able to have it all done in the one operation; I know I was on the table the last time for 14 hours, so will be at least 10 hours this time; 2 hours for the mastectomy and 8 plus hours for the tissue reconstruction from buttock again. Jeezee peeps, hope I can go through this all again and that recovery may be quicker as should not require more Chemo or R.T. this time.

Also hope that the Silent Reflux, Gastric Reflux, cough left with will not prevent any delay as it all needs done sooner than later. So trying to keep upbeat, even though immune system still low and recovering; will need to discuss this with surgeon in depth as hope it does not mean that I will be even more susceptible to infection quicker than before as invasive surgery.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna,

    Sorry such a great day out resulted in a bad night, with me its usually the other way around - err a hangover !!

    Sound like your plans are moving rapid now, You have been through such a lot already, so we know you will cope, even though its going to be a tough trip. As you say at least you should not need the Chemo or RT this time so a bit less of a double Whammy !

    Good luck with your appointments and hope you get over the bug, or what ever it was,  while we still have this great weather - makes everything seem brighter and more positive. Please let us know nerer the time when the surgery is due to start,

    Happy Easter to You and Yours Donna - take care and stay strong please.

    Love and Hugs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Well what a day!!! Time fixed for 2nd Mastectomy & Body Tissue Reconstruction = July/August; (Can also get Ovaries/Fallopian tubes done at same time; so opted for this and gynae team will negotiate with specialist team who performed my last operation.)

  • FormerMember

    Just fecking realised: Next operation round will land on another ironic date and time span. Been like this all way through treatment. Fecks sake!!!!!!!!!

    Around dad's 7th anniversary. OMG!!! Better no be coming to get me.