Update: Biopsy taken from the reconstruction site..............

1 minute read time.

Well the red blotches have not got any better, despite anti-biotics, special sterile washes etc. So spoke with Breast Care Nurse and had a fast appointment with the Breast Consultant.......... he took a biopsy from the reconstructed breast and it looks like it is also puckering a bit.   So I have to wait till next week and go back for the results. Really could not go through all the treatments agaion as I am so drained, tired and weak these days, just want to sleep it all off. On top of this I now have a U.T.I. so on another anti-biotic specifically for this; My left arm is also so cold and thin to the touch and is getting heavier as if retracting back into the way it was after I had the radiotherapy, just wants to curl into the armpit. No swelling though, but very sticky armpit and it seems to want to attach itself to my side........... Reffered back to physio as dropping things and losing grip re pins n needles most of the time. Hope the Cancer has not returned, but part of me seems to think it has, whether this is because the fear that Cancer holds over me, I don't know; or because the symptoms are rather similiar to when I first got diagnosed 2 years ago, or just because I am so run down, I am thinking the worse scenarion. I know it is not Keloids as I thought it was and it is defeinetly not superficial as once thought. My wee grand daughter also has her Scan next week re her Ovaries to see if they are growing with regard to the Pre_TheLarche, she was born with and now she is 4 years, one of her breasts is still growing and not receding at all. Those of you who know know the background.

The fecking rain, hailstones etc etc etc don't help at all, wish the sun would come out at least for a wee while, it's so cold, I can't even get outdoors for some Vitamin D.  Until next week......................

  • FormerMember

    Sending you lots of hugs xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Update on Wednesday 2nd May 2012: Results are not good!!!!!

    It was the area where the red patches above the tram flap where they took the biopsy. There is 2% chance of recurrance and I fecking had to be in that 2%. Had to get photos taken today of it also for team training as it is unusual for it to happen. Even Mr Munnoch my plastic surgeon was a wee bit concerned on Monday as he said it was all shrinking and that was very unusual after having radiotherapy. So I'm FECKING different and unusual. Mainly Breast Care Surgeon said today that it could of been caused because of a) The size of the initial deep tumour as it was huge 9.5 by 7 b) As the Cancer was initially aggresive c) That there may have been some cells lying dormant, but now due the chemo coming out of my system, the cells are regenerating, so hoping they catch it and there is no spread. But as I have no lymph nodes left underarm, it may spread as there are tiny lymph nodes also in the skin.

    Results were not good!!!! Cancer has come back!!!!! Team unsure if it's local recurrance, or any mestastis or distant spread, so CT Thorax & abdo & pelvis with contrast booked for 14th May, but on cancellation list. Devastated...........