Roller Coaster is hitting it downhill at moment: I am not a light switch!!!

1 minute read time.

Sunday 6th Feb 2011: Had bad few days, insomnia, patterns all over the place, shoulder pain etc, then crashing out and unable to get up, such an effort to do anything even get a shower, so bored and pissed off these days.  Got clothes ready for Counselling session tommorow, chatted with daughters and one wanted an order on computer, could not be really bothered putting it on, but did. Done what she needed and decided to check other emails............. ON A SUNDAY NIGHT LATE I get an email from Counsellor to say she had to take sick leave tommorrow and so sorry for all her inconsistencies, but she has booked me in for Thursday this week. WELL NO THANKS!!!! A phone call could have been done as she has my number, just as well I checked my email, otherwise despite such an effort I have, I would of travelled all 30 miles a 60 mile round trip with hubby for what????  I am getting so angry with people letting me down these days, I know I am irritable at moment with the ongoing stuff, but now I have to hold it all in until a suitable time can be found!!! Don't people realise, that it takes a lot of guts to talk about this shit and over and above that, I try to have some decent time if that is what you can call it, to not cry etc. But I am not a bloody light switch that can be switched on and off whenever it suits someone else. So tonight I will be going to bed extremely unhappy, will have a lonely cry to myself, not be able to get to bloody sleep yet again, and be in pain with arm/shoulder, but who really gives a shit????? So now I am wondering if I should give a shit also.................. let me just heal on my own and stay away from me if you are going to let me down as I don't need it I say.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carrot,

    The least thing she could have done was to give you a phone call as she has your number. She must realise how much  this upsets you if not she shouldnt be a Counsellor. They are supposed to help not hinder. I would have a word in her shell like ear the next time you see her.All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna,

    Sorry you are getting such crap support from so called professionals !!

    Know you are peeded off right now -  but it hurts to think of a friend being in pain and considering having a cry on her own - not needed when you have so many supportive friends who really do know and understand just what courage it has taken for you to take this step, more important we will not let you down, ever - honest !

    Maybe you still have the counselling session - just a different style - put it all down on paper. Some times just the act of sorting your thought and writing  them down helps clear your mind and even provide solutions.

    You could then read it back in the morning and treat it as though it had come from a friend - what would you tell that friend ? You've given me some good advice and support in the past.

    Love and Hugs to you and Yours

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    Hubby took a call from the centre this morning to cancel my appointment and he told them about the email, they replied that Counsellor just wanted them to phone as she was not sure if everyone had got her email.

    I did reply to the email, letting her know that Thurs was not possible and that perhaps she should call me as things were not working out beween us.  Other times I have had an appointment, there has either been a double booking of which I was expected to wait.......... I did not.  Once I was half an hour early and she says I could I have a complimentary therapy and see her straight after; but when I came out, Counsellor had taken someone else in. Breast Care nurse told me to perservere when I mentioned what was happening with my appointments, so I did. Counsellor knew I was in ward for 4 days re my operation and never came near. Then there was the promise of a phone consultation which never happened; now this!!!!  

    Very first hubby and me saw her; She wanted to know about my family background; I wanted to talk about the operation. Then when I said I kept a journal, she asked if she could read it as it would give her idea of how I felt. The second time I saw Counsellor was in January, well after the op and R.T.  Of course there was so much to talk about and she needed an update on things; that we ran out of time but booked that last session; I was also to send her the pics of operation before and after before we met up as this would give us a base for next meeting. So I did, now this. So anyway; in my reply I did suggest she does phone me as I feel it is not working out between us and that perhaps I could go somewhere else. Only problem is.......... She is the only Cancer Counsellor in the whole of the area. So I will see if there is a phone call leter in the week, but I don't think there will be one, it will be up to me again to chase an appointment up yet again!! I will be telling the Breast Care Nurse tommorow and be asking if there are any other type of Counsellor that I can see.  Obviously this has still been bothering me and will do until it gets resolved and yes its bad enough living in limbo at the moment, without this. Up to now all other team has pure brilliant. Perhaps Councellor is stressed out, but not my problem, there should be more than one available. I do hope she is feeling better soon though.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna, I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this.  For what it's worth I give a shit and so do all your friends on here!  It was lovely to see you in chat but I wish I'd known just how bad you were feeling so that I could have offered more support.  You take care of yourself and don't take any more crap from that counsellor, you may want to consider complaining about your shoddy treatment formally.  She must have a boss who can hold her to account.  Lots of love and hugs Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    X-Ray is ok, but doctor says definetely tendons. Turning into an Insomniac!!!

    Physio appoinment awaiting on, may well get a scan as tendons don't show up on xray. Managed to get ibuprofen gel and Phenergen antihistamine which will help me sleep a bit better instead of addictive sleeping tablets. Using gel first and hope it works, if not been tablet form but also need stomach protection Omeprazole tablet.

    Re other situ;;;; Nope no phone, just another email booking me in for next week and that Counsellor has been advised to stay off all this week. Replied again as unsuitable re relying on hubby for driving but gave some future dates of when he is off. Not building my self up for another let down, just hope she is not too stressed out and itw work related. Hopefully there may be a Councellor in the very near future starting nearer where I stay and that will be better for me. Thanks everyone, its just been a unresolved matter hanging about. So hopefully I will get a good decent sleep tonight re meds for arm/shoulder. What I do find weird is one minute I am saying I cannot feel anything, the next I am felling this agony. It's because different sets of muscles as numbness in auxilla and underarm re full removal of lymph nodes there....... Pain re tendons on the outer top of arm ans shoulder. What a numpty........