Oh No!!! May have to go back into operation site....

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Wed 25th May 2010: Had letter from Surgeon! Not happening re my ovaries removal at same time as mastectomy and reconstruction as would be to dangerous for the tram and could cause major bleed. So happy about this, so ovaries etc will have to be delayed.  1st reconstruction site and still sore arm shoulder, physio still working hard with me to get everything stretching out; But its started to sting and get very hot, so visited hospital on Monday there and the Consultant writing a letter to my Plastic Surgeon and told me that they may have to go back into the left side to see what is going on at same time as next operation. OH No!!!!!

Know I have got fat necrosis etc, wonder whats happening here???????? Stinging like mad though now, should be feeling a lot better, but only getting small bursts of energy and it still seems such an effort to do anything most days. But I have put on a few pounds so thats good news.

  • FormerMember

    Hi, Sorry you are feeling crap still. At least they are taking you seriously and not fobbing you off. Let us know how it goes.

    Take care love Kaz x

  • FormerMember

    Hay sorry to hear youhving to go back in maybe and have an exploritory on the old op.  Fingers crossed it does not happen.  Understand how you feel as have had probs with the reconstructon I had done, mine was a tummy tram flap, going to a follow up appointment today, so hope they say all oknow.  Though no have swelloing still.  Always here for you any tikme you need me, anyways you should know that lol.  Wishing you all the best Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna,

    It never rains but it pours. It will all be well in the future.

    Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks everyone for your comments. It's not just raining but fecking pouring down on me now. Today I got a call from the Gynae dept saying I was on the 24hr call in list, so I could go in any day now for this op to remove ovaries and Fallopian tubes!!! So near to my next operation also. Really starting to shit it now as all coming in at once but 2 separate operations and no-one knows whats in there till they go in. (Oopherotomy versus Hysterectomy, but hope not. If it's just by laparoscopy, healing may take 2 weeks, not allowed to any strenuous stuff for 4-6 weeks ; Then straight after the next mast and recons with possible going into other side site re necrosis not shifting on its own!) Necrosis is the dead fatty cells that can collate at the operation site and should disappear on their own; if not may need removed. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh running scared again and unsure what to do, so phoned Genetics for help as surely 2 operations so close to each other ???? advisable.