Oh No!!! May have to go back into operation site....

Less than one minute read time.

Wed 25th May 2010: Had letter from Surgeon! Not happening re my ovaries removal at same time as mastectomy and reconstruction as would be to dangerous for the tram and could cause major bleed. So happy about this, so ovaries etc will have to be delayed.  1st reconstruction site and still sore arm shoulder, physio still working hard with me to get everything stretching out; But its started to sting and get very hot, so visited hospital on Monday there and the Consultant writing a letter to my Plastic Surgeon and told me that they may have to go back into the left side to see what is going on at same time as next operation. OH No!!!!!

Know I have got fat necrosis etc, wonder whats happening here???????? Stinging like mad though now, should be feeling a lot better, but only getting small bursts of energy and it still seems such an effort to do anything most days. But I have put on a few pounds so thats good news.

  • FormerMember

    hi twinnie,

    good news about the weightxx but bloody hell youve been through loads already and now this!!!!!! I dont know what fat necrosis is so no advice on that sorry hun xxxx hugs xxxx can they do any kind of scan on your surgery site beforhand to let you know more? hope it turns out to be a little blip and not neeeding further ops on it xxxx love and hugs xxxx take care of yourself xx angie

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna,

    Great to find a lady that I can say - 'you look fatter' and not get my face slaped !! Take things steady and never try to rush things, wait  until you feel ready, no point spoiling all the hard work you have done.

    Love and Hugs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    well john im glad you didnt say that to me (have put 2stone on!!!) lol just joking im not a slapper xxhugsxx

  • FormerMember

    um can i rephrase that? meant i dont slap people lol dear me how embarassing xx

    twinnie (donna) now dont you take the p out of me after that blooper there mind?

    You have amazing strength and willpower donna you will get there in the end I feel it in my heart xxxx

  • FormerMember


    Just wanted to say sorry you are going through it, good luck with everything.

    Love Pam xxx