Now it's in the bones..........

2 minute read time.

I have just been through a CT Scan due to a recurrance just above the Tram Flap area from my first Breast Mastectomy and Reconstruction in 2010. This Scan showed two hotspots 1 in my womb and the other in my bones, So had an MRI and the news was that the Breast Cancer is now in my bones. Seeing another Consultant next week for a hopeful treatment plan that will also treat the recurrance in my breast as it is on the skin in that area. So now I am on a completely new journey after having 2 Mastectomies with Reconstruction from the buttock area and the removal of my Ovaries and Fallopian tubes as a precautionary back in Feb this year. Started to feel ill and though it was just me recovering so here I am. They said both areas can be treated and I hope they can be. But what is worrying me is that at the local hospice where I go, the manageress mentioned to me that perhaps I should think about Pallative care  as she has been following my case for the past two years. I was utterly shocked by this and told her there was no way I was going down that route of which she replied well maybe in the future. Second to that my doctor was reviewing my pain killers and mention that the next level may need to be Morphine as I am on the strongest pain killer at moment (Tramadol) and again I said No Way do I want that. I cannot get those two negative things out of my mind as they have put them there. Yes I am worried, but then my own Consultant regarding the Breast Cancer has told me that I can be treated and has said to me I will live and do not have weeks or months left, but knows a lot of women who have lived 10 years plus after bone mets. (So the dilemma is the contraction of professionals and  some that seem to think I am ready for the scrap heap!!!) My next worry is what the treatment is going to be and I have listed my questions for next week when I go to the bone specialist. Don't know anymore than that, as to what, where size it is and I thought they would of had to do a biopsy to clarify rather than just know from an MRI Scan. I do have oestioporosis and had this before I was dx with Breast Cancer. I also have the BRAC2. I am pretty well educated regarding the Genetics, Breast Cancer and know nothing about this new journey that faces me. So any help would be grateful. I have no intention of dying. (Also on Femara Letrazole, re the eostrogen and  Vit D and Calcium, Actonel for the bones.)

  • FormerMember

    Think I have still not come back into myself yet since 2nd diagnosis: Too much going on........... severe sweats 10 times worse than before, but that's the Exemestane working to catch up where the Femara Letrozole stopped working.... doctor gave me Clonidine to help as having bad nights since Friday when started new Aromatiser Inhibitor and body does not like it one bit!!!! Got measured today for permanent prostheses as reconstruction breaking down at the site of first mastectomy. Makes me wonder at times all that chemo, surgery, R.T. for what??? 14 hours on the table 1st time 10 hours 2nd time!!! But hey the prostheses feel really good, cool on skin and will get them in 2 weeks time. Also amazed at how well balanced I looked for the first time in 2 years and had a wee greet in the room as think it hit me big time re the confidence factor. In a years time they can actually give me another king of prostheses for both breasts that actually suck onto the skin and gives the ability to run, jump, dance, swim even without the fear of them moving or floating away. So now resting a wee bit and know that I am going through a new process in this journey and with the knowledge that I should come back into myself in either a few days or a couple of weeks. So many thanks girls for your nice comments and encouraging me to go forward rather than give up. xxxxx (((Hugs)))

  • FormerMember

    Hello Donna, I haven't been on  here for some while as I initially had trouble with the new layout and gave up trying!  Anyway, thought I would take a peek today and I can't believe what I have read about you. I am shocked, you are such a fighter and I remember vividly your pics of reconstruction and your stoic determination.  I have no doubt you will be with us for many years yet as you are such a fighter and your mind is strong too.  Anyway, I am still waiting for recon (DIEP flap) which has now been cancelled 4 times over the past year.  I have been diagnosed with angina which, Docs say was due to radio to my left breast site.  I had a stent put in last July 2011 but its now furring up again so I have to get my heart sorted before I can have reconstruction.  The road of Cancer never ends does it?  Just when we begin to start living normally again, we get knocked down.  My husband doesn't want me to have recon. as he thinks the ca. will come back!  It never goes, it sits and waits.  I know from your post you are tired and I don't blame you, so I sincerely hope this sun comes out, it stops raining and you are able to gather up your strength for the next chapter.  I am thinking of you and send huge bubbles of strength and love.  Ann x