Not too positive today: Letrozole side efffects: Feel like a Zombie!

2 minute read time.

Monday 15th November 2010:  Had to be dragged out of bed as so so tired, bones really painful and feeling sick. Been like this over the weekend. Fed up and really cannot be bothered anymore, just want to sleep, sleep, sleep. Such a struggle getting. Fed up with swallowing problems also, just want to switch off and be left alone under my cosy blanket! So lethargic, don't want to eat, jus give me cool juice or water please as so many hot/cold flushes going on.

But could I really miss my radiotherapy, yes I could I said, but then argued with myself. Hubby had to get me out of bed, district nurse came in to dress my buttock wound and check on breast scar of which the scab came of at the weekend.

Going about like a Zombie and slept all the way to radiotherapy while hubby drove the car (70 mile round trip every day!). Still dazed, sleepy and in tears during treatment and explained to nurse: Was told that is was the Letrozole Tablet side effects that were starting to kick in now and it should calm down within another week or so. ( Just started taking these the week prior to my R.T. 

Fresh air, liquids, small soft meals, plenty aqueous cream and see the doctor to follow up the bone protection tablet that was planned.

So, after this, slept all way back and hubby stopped off at surgery to see receptionist at doctors about the tablet. No letter had yet been received, so to phone the breast care team and ask them to Fax it through to speed things up. Got an appointment for Friday morning to see the doctor also and discuss what medication will be suitable for me as I cannot take Fosomax as it makes me sick.

So there I go, got a better understanding of what is going on and again have to realise that I am in severe healing inside as all the treatments have been fast; one after the other and my body has to adjust as well as heal from each one. Having the R.T. is upsetting the healing process a bit as my body is trying to heal each time. So I know now what is happening inside me and I hope hubby realises that also as one day I have been up on top of a mountain and the next day down so fast and cannot be bothered even with making a simple decision.

The roller coaster has sped up for the time being. I hope that I can get through tommorow as I have booked in Yoga at a Maggies Centre after my R.T. as I know it should help me relax and help with healing. Going to bed very early tonight.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carrot,

    Hope you get your medication sorted theres nothing worse than feeling tired all the time.  At times all I want to do is sleep,but force myself to come on the computer and have a talk with my friends. You look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna.  So sorry to hear you are having such a tough time. I've missed you in chat and was just thinking about you.  You are bound to be really tired so be kind to yourself and listen to your body.  Sleep can be a great healer.  Love Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    hi donna

    so sorry to hear you not feeling so good i just hope that the meds sort themself out soon and you can get on with the thing you enjoy .

     big hugs xx
