Mmmm A New Year!!!!

3 minute read time.

Mmmm A New Year!!! (Update from December 2010)

Well the snow was too terrible to build a snowman, so grandkids came up and went sledging with their grandad instead, got some fantastic happy they look. 

Regarding me, well nothing untoward with the swab culture and bloods, so some good news. Been put on a different antibiotic as Chest Infection still not clearing up ( Doxycycline 1 a day) horrible mucous and still a drip drip dripping effect at back of throat, doctor gave me Nasal Spray (NASOFAN AQUEUOUS which I may need for life) and told me that it is "post nasal drip" that is causing my throat problems. I have been violently sick again and again, really struggling with the meds and food clashing with my digestive system, seem to have a metallic smell around me and when I wee.  Spoke to Breast Care Team again and due to all the chemicals, what I have been through since April, no wonder my body is reacting the way it is.

I was beginning to feel that I was losing the battle as sleep sleep sleep, muscle wastage, lethargy etc and found out that sometimes after all treatments, there can be a vast after effect  "Chemical Fatigue", which has put a lot of things into perspective for me this time round as I beginning to wonder what the hell was going on as I was meant to be getting better, not worse which was happening.  

Anyway, over the Xmas and New Year Period; I took it really easy, managed to dress my window, hubby and grand children put up the tree for me. Pressie were easier this year as I had collected since Summer from the Internet, so no rushing round shops. Xmas day, we all went to my youngest and had a lovely meal and great time. Back home and straight to bed though as I found it exhausting and thought I would never be able to make New Year with friends and Family.  Got started on the other meds for Chest Infection not clearing and Nasal Spray, sleeping pattern went stupid once more as did daily structure yet again, wonder if I will ever get back to being me???

Hogmaney came, friends and family arrived and I thought I would give the local hall a go with them to bring in the New Year, so up we all went (but with an escape agreement to get me home if I needed) and WOW!!! I surprised myself, yes I got up to dance, but felt sad and angry that I could not join in with the Scottish Dances due to my left arm and left side (FEAR of getting banged and my arm pulled etc) but joined in where and when I could. Many neighbours were pleased to see me and that gave me a tremendous boost. Many said how well I looked, (despite being a walking skeleton and coughing) and some even commented on the fact that no-one would even know I was ill as I looked so good.  I did not know whether to take that as a compliment or they were just saying that, but looking back I guess it was a compliment as I saw the photos.

Shortly before the bells went, I was told that a dear neighbour had just lost the battle and I broke down and found it very difficult to pick myself up before the bells.

Then a neighbour said to me that they knew I had a real rough year and hoped that ............... I cut them short and asked them please do not go there!!!!!!!!  I now feel I was horrible to them and need to apologise when I see her next for I was still getting over the bad news as well as trying to cope with the fact that I did not want to be reminded of what had happened just for one night.

My plans for this year are:

1) Plenty of proper rest.

2)Stay away from negative/derogative situations and people.

3) Get a daily structure in place.

4) Build up some excersise routine and build on this.

5) Build up my Immunity System.

6) Build up my Digestive system and have a balanced diet. (FRESH FOOD NO PROCESSED.)

7) Gain more weight.

8) Get more fresh air now snow away and get plenty Vitamin D.

I know I have more operations to face this year and the full Genetics Results and History have been done, but I will receive the full report shortly.

My next appointment is to see the Professor on 14th January, followed by another appointment with my surgeon on the 25th January.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Carrot,

    Good to hear from you again. Things sound good,

    except for the dripping.  You did yourself proud going out on Hogmaney and the bells. You have no need to apologise to anybody that was the last thing you wanted to hear. Anyway your plans for 2011

    hand on heart how many do you think you will keep.

    All the Best and Good Luck for 2011. Hope you have a healthy one.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna.  Have been wondering how you were doing.  It looks like a good positive list for this year but just take it slowly.  You've been through a lot and if your body needs to rest let it! Take care of yourself hun.  Maybe catch up with you in chat some time soon.  Love and (((((((hugs))))))).  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna Mate !! Glad you started out well and enjoyed Christmas - You sound so fantastic to go out and join the New Year - Ok bad news does have an effect. Would not worry the neighbour you think you upset - you sound like a popular and well loved friend by so many they will understand and not be offended.

    Can I ask you to add anther resolution to the list? Either blog or get back on chat more often so your mates do not worry !

    Love and hugs to you and yours for the New Year - and may you go from strength to Strength this year please !

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks everyone. Many wishes to everyone for a Healthy New Year.

    Sarsfield: Those are my plans not my New Year Resolution; already broken re smoking!!!

    Liz; no not been on taxotere. Glad you have healed up, it gives me hope.

    Celi, John and Nicnjc: Taken on board your comments and I promise I will be back in chat very soon. Taking things day by day the noo and always have time to think of my mac friends every day. xxxx