Mair ups n doons.............

1 minute read time.

Just so pissed off at moment. Getting referred to Orthopaedic re my left arm and shoulder as its getting worse despite physio; movements were getting better, but there seems to be a block somewhere as when we try to push a bit more it freezes up. Doctor has put me on Tramadol again and put me on Citalopram.

Yip hubby scared he will hurt me as he jumps, leg twitches etc so he sleeping in other room or on the sofa at moment, still does not come near me even when awake, tried so many times with him and explained how I feel, now he just feck off!!!! Mickey gets all his affection more than I do and thats up front. But we went to a friends'  25th wedding anniversary on Saturday past and at least I got a slow dance with him.

Eldest daughter just had letter to confirm she has the missing code in the BRAC2 Gene, so I am trying to keep her going also, youngest is going to get blood test next month on the 7th. So worried for her also.

I have not lost anymore weight, but sticking at only 46kg, dietician/nutritionist says she can help me get up to 52 before my next operation by getting in the smoothies again due to another mouth ulcer on my bottom gum. I have lost my bite and can't chew much so yip fecking pissed of at that as just getting my appetite back, taste buds back and was starting to eat a bit better, even swallowing was a bit better. Huh?

Friday 10th June: Been a very sleepy day today re pain keeping me awake through the night. Found a tens machine and put it to use on shoulder, hope it helps ease pain. When woke up in afternoon, post had brought some good news. D.L.A. has been awarded!!!! Well Well Well, want to rub the letter in the face of that Welfare Officer who told me last year it was a waste of my time and I would not get it at all and actually made me feel as if I was irrelevant as he gave me the brush off.

  • FormerMember

    Carrot hope this finds you feeling a little better and that the painkillers are helping you.

    So sorry to hear about your daughters news but i guess forewarned is forearmed.  

    Hugs and best wishes always xx

  • FormerMember

    Morning Carrot, I'd feel pixxed off too if I were you.  You've had bucket loads of c..p to deal with and it seems never ending.  But  you keep on girl.  There will be an end to all this.  I have complete respect for you and what you are going through - unfortunately men can seem so selfish - if they can't 'fix' things they disappear into their caves and I guess that maybe yours has gone into his.  It doesn't help though because this is the time we need them most in our lives, to reassure us we are still loved, lovable and beautiful.  Let him get on with it and you focus on you.  You need to.  Our bodies really do what they want - I'm at the other scale, overweight.  I am going to have a diep reconstruction and want to lose some beforehand so my remaining boob won't need altering so am trying to focus on weight, miserably.  Anyway, there's a little sunshine for today but at least its Friday.  Try and get together with your girls and have some girly time, we really are much stronger.  Love Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carrot,

    Sorry to hear about your daughter. Better to be safe than sorry. Believe it or not I agree with nutcracker.Some men can be wimps at times when the going gets tough they tend to disappear. But you still have your girls, have a night out and enjoy yourselves. Maybe with a bit of luck

    he will see sense, he will see he needs you more than you need him.    Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi hun bloody men why is it when us woman get ill they cant cope my friends brotherin law is exactly the same does anything to avoid her well bollox i say to them you are a much stronger person and right now dont need the aggro you have enough to contend with play him at his own game girl and as sarsfield says he will need you first sometimes im glad im single men just are pains in the bloody backside enjoy a lovely night out with your girls take care love and hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carrot,

    Play to your strengths girl, remember how far you have come on your own without his help,whatever his reasons its not worth you getting upset,.at least your girls will have the benefit of your help and won't take risks. go for girl power and stick to  each other you will find when you ignore him he will start to wonder why if not what the heck you won't need him