Just how many words?

Less than one minute read time.

As with most nights, lying in bed, unable to get off to sleep even though very tired: My eyes clocked onto the "Get Well Soon" card that was put on top of my wardrobe and from my youngest daughter, her boyfriend and 2 wee granchildren. It seemed to be jumping out at me for some unknown reason as no matter how hard I tried to fall asleep, the card kept coming back to my mind. OK I thought, lets focus!!!! 

I started to see other words from this phrase and then saw more more and more, so out came the pen and paper and after an hour, I amazed myself.

So here it is for you, maybe you could try it also. How many words can you get out of the phrase: "GET WELL SOON" ????? Good luck, see if you can beat me as I got 83. xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carrot,

    Well done girl 83 words. Im not going to try it tonight

    has been a bad day first time in a long time I felt so down. I dont know if its the weather or the fact Im just fed up being stuck in the house 24hrs a day.

    I will get a good night sleep and feel better tomorow.

    Hope you can get a good night sleep Carrot.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Well done your mum and sister Court. Now I wonder what all the words were lol? Will put up my 83 this week.

    Hope you feeling a bit better Sarsfield, could be a mixture of both. Take Care eh?

    Hope you ok also Tony.

    Keep cosy everyone. New word I learned today "THUNDERSNOW", yes we had thunder and lightening up her in Bonnie Scotland when it was heavy snowing also. First time I have ever heard this happen. WOW!!

  • FormerMember

    I thought I had lost this piece of paper: This may sound boring to some of you; but when you just can't sleep, then it filled in some time in the quiet hours of the morning.  

    OK as promised the words I found from "GET WELL SOON".

    Everytime I looked at those words; not only did it re-reinforce the positive message within the words, but I ended up smiling and feeling relaxed. Can you beat my score?




  • FormerMember


    nets, tools, legs,lentils,newts,towns,tones, ow, owns, eons, ewes,notes,tones,sew,sewn,logs,towels, lol angie xx sweet? eels,goons, lol xxxxxxxxxxxxx