It's a Leap Year!!!! Wee update from Carrot Tops xxx

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29th Feb 2012:    It's a leap year yeeha. Wonder if my daughter will ask her boyfriend the big question???  Anyway wee update, been kind weird since weekend. Good days managed to get outside in garden to soak up some fresh air and get some Vitamin D. Temp only 35.6. Had a horrible scare as pulse rocketed to 102 when resting and thought heart was going to jump out and batter against the walls. B.P. was up to 170/70 and have been violently sick after managing to eat solids two days in a row, thought I was doing good. Must of caught a bad bug at least that's what I hope. Back has been really sore after bowels moved since operation and think it's because everything is settling down after the operation as they had a really good look inside as they blew my tummy up with the gas. Plus now I am eating a wee bit better, I better watch not over work the bowel as it needs to adjust after almost two years of soft foods and drinks, so will keep eye on it. Otherwise, I am seeing more glimpses of me back every day and I really do want to see more colour in my face as still gaunt looking and put more weight on. Maybe I am beating myself up again as it's only been 3 weeks since my last operation, but I am resting, though not sleeping again till early hours of morning, staring at the ceiling is a constant problem night after night. Severe sweats are still ongoing and my left armpit is so sticky these days, despite the soap I got from the doctor, just not helping. Can't use deodarent on this side as no lymph nodes, someone mentioned to try Soya from Herbal shop. Hair has had two cuts and is now starting to sit better, though I can't do it everyday, just like I still not got into the shower properly for two years. Dressing have come off after problem with stitches and now healing. Would love to have a braw soak in the bath with bubble bath etc, but too scared as been told to stay away from all perfumed products. It's my 52nd Birthday this weekend and I hope it is a really good one as the last 2 have been pretty bad.  Now thats the operations finished, all I can say, Is that in one way I am so full of gratitude that I come through it all and feel so lucky as a survivor, hopefully that is exactly what I am.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna,

     Your blog has brought a  a tear to my eyes, you have been through so much it makes me feel humble , you can come through it all and still be positive . You sure are a survivor and have made me determined to fight mine with all I have got.

    I have been feeling rough after my chemo and felt a bit down but after reading what you have been through tireness and spaced out is nothing compared to you .

    You will pick up bit by bit but as you said will have to take it slowly, you are doing so well Donna.

    I do hope you get in that bath you deserve it.

    Have a great birthday and hope your daughter pops the question, wow a wedding would be great .

    Take care Donna, I so admire you and am so glad I know you.

    Love Pam xxx

  • FormerMember
    Hi Donna So glad of your update! Delighted that things are improving for you. I know the feeling for a long soak: I use the Simple Relaxing Bath Soak (no prefume, colour etc, just nice soft bubbles) with scented candles around the rim of the bath (can't burn the place down with all this water, now can I?). Not perfect but a decent compromise! (as a treat, I use the most expensive body cream I can afford after the bath to the parts of the body I can apply it - smells of heaven during the night). Happy Birthday for this weekend! All the very best Georgia XXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • FormerMember
    Hi just joined the community at read your blog. I too dread the sleeplessness nights. My son bought me a sleep pillow with a speaker in in which I have put soft music. I can hear the music but hubby can't. If I am I find this helps I doze on and off with soothing music lulling me back to sleep. All the best to you
  • FormerMember

    Hey girls thanks............. I will try out your suggestions re the non perfumed bubble bath, sleep pillow etc and may even go to the health shop as some one else mention Soya to take re the bad armpit issue re no lymph nodes etc. So also to stop you hanging on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hee hee Daughter didn't ask him but had some other words in his lugs, so might get a wee surprise around November from her????????? Mmmmm maybe.............. so just need to wait n see for that one folks. (She does want another baby.)