Is it just me or are you getting this also?

1 minute read time.

Thursday 3rd Feb 2011: Well at doctors today then sent up to Xray dept as pulled tendons on arm and shoulder aaarghhh!!! Cannot give me Diclofenac etc as will conflict with Heartburn stuff. Would not of minded if I had been doing some strenous stuff, but was only doing my arm stretches and now this. Beginning to get more lower moods these days as limited mobility more so yet determined I will get me back somehow, somewhere, someday. Also fed up with being told I have possible depression all from a sheet of paper I filled up while at a hospital, appointment last month. Wish some people would see the overall picture and not just what is on a sheet of paper and a few questions.

Also getting rather annoyed at the amount of Cancer mail requesting donations since I was diagnosed. Yes we got some of these, but now it has tripled and cannot help but wonder where my name is held, who has my details and knows I have cancer. I am not paranoid because I have asked neighbours how much mail they get re Cancer donations etc and is it considerably less.

I have done so much Charity work for Society, worked, gave a lot of my time to many other projects, gave help to Cancer Trials and Research, Genetics. I do not get one penny in benefits or any financial assistance what so ever and yet being hounded by Cancer Mail. Just gets up my nose and seems we are targetted when we get diagnosed and it needs to stop for we all and I have enough to be coping with.
