Genetics:Family History.... Step families and full blood families: Doing something positive!

5 minute read time.

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2010; I had no history of any family member having this. So the treatment programme of FEC Chemotherapy to reduce the 9 x 7.5 tumour was to go ahead, followed by surgery (full mastectomy on the left breast) then radiotherapy, followed by reconstruction.

As we informed the family, still no history. Then out of the blue I was informed that there were 3 of my aunts, (My Mum's) sisters all had Breast Cancer and had lived to a good age. So I though great, I am goin to survive this also.

In trying to obtain names was a nightmare and I was told that if I continued digging into the past, then I would lose my mums side of the family. (Mum died when we were all small and I was just a baby and we were all split up back then. It took till I was aged 28 years to be re-united again with my 2 half brothers and half sister.) 

In trying to explain that initially I had no family history, and now there was a history; then it would possibly change my treatment and I was advised not to bother telling my consultant, by then it was too late I had already informed him and was to be referred to Genetics as well as have further treatment added onto to what was already arranged. I would be requiring further surgery to the right breast and possible ovaries removal; latter depending on what results came back from Genetic Clinic.

Family on dads side were very forthcoming with information and I already knew about some family cancers on this side.

Research from my birth lines, the local registry Office and death certificates from my mum's side, verified that 2 of my aunts had Breast Cancer and mets in the liver of which they both died from. One aunt only aged 31 years and the other died aged 44 years.

It took another 4 months to September 2010 to find out about my other aunt, who only died back in 2009 and from Breast Cancer also. She was aged 72 when diagnosed.(Still Breast Cancer, but age related.)

So my heart started to sink, that I would not come through this at all, but maybe a tiny glimmer of hope due to one aunt living as long as she did.

I had all my initial treatment and have put in place early screening for both my daughters and this is to continue down through generations from now on. My eldest has already been to the Genetic Clinic to ensure that she knows how to check properly and will undergo Mammogram aged 30 years as will my youngest daughter and even grand daughter.

I have further found out that there is a history of early post menopause within the family, and therefore there may well be high levels of eostrogens.

( I know that I have this and that my cancer was very aggresive and 8 out of 8 Hert 2 positive eostrogen. I have been started on Femara (Letrozole) which is an aromatiser inhibitor that blocks eostrogen.)

I could not have Brac 1 or Brac 2 bloods taken while on Chemo and it was arranged to have these after surgery.

Today: Tuesday 2nd November 2010: I gave consent for the Brac1 and Brac 2 to be done and also consent to keep some of my blood for future tests and other genetics tests that are becoming available regarding Breast Cancer Genes and Ovarian Genes.  Getting blood was a different story though and it took 3 efforts as my veins are packing in one by one due to previous damage from FEC Chemo and so much blood being taken from my existing arm, but we got there.

I also found out from the Genetic Counsellor that my mums' mum (My Granny.) also died from Breast Cancer aged 69.

That my aunt who died aged 44 was diagnosed aged 41.  

So now it is become clearer there is a pattern of Breast Cancer in the family and I pray that I do not die from it as I am the 5th Person going down the generations. I know that treatments have come on leaps and bounds and that I am having the best treatments possible compared to 1975 when one of my aunts died.

The programme that has been put in place for my girls and any other family members will commence at the age of 26 years. (This is based on the youngest family member who had B.C. and 5 years deducted.)

I was also asked today if I wanted my family history shared with other relevant family members and I said yes as I could help to do to something rather than only see to myself and do nothing for the rest of the family and future generations.

So, here I am now wondering and really hoping that I will survive the 5 years - 10 years plus and be here to enjoy my great grand children like my granny did on my dad's side. This generation lived into ripe old age and were independant.

I am healing from major 14 hour surgery part 1Mastectomy with reconstruction from body tissue and start an intense radiotherapy programme next week, the same time as when my 2 year old grand daughter goes to see another specialist as she was diagnosed with Pre-Thelarche 3 months ago. ( This may well be hormonal, based on high levels of eostrogen.)

The Genetic Counsellor is going to forward me a full copy of all the details of my full family tree on both sides and this will help with the facts in writing for some family members who are in denial, do not want to know anything and help other family members be aware of back ground history for today for them and their children and their childrens children.I do not need their stress, denial, but can send them a copy of the tree, of which they cannot argue with anymore, then its up to them to get help.

Any other family member, distant cousin etc who I have not met may one day be thankful for Genetics as it can link up to other members of the family and be traced back as far as it has been.

Brac 1 and Brac 2 ; We all know we get our genes from our parents, sometimes a faulty gene can be passed on from one of our parents. This can increase the risk up to 80% for Breast Cancer and 45% for Ovarian Cancer, compared to the average person in society and thats is quite high.

So you see how important it is to know if there is a family history and help raise the awareness and prevention educational programmes.

I will be getting the other operations also, but initially it was only to be the one;

I am not brave, not a heroine, just doing what can be done and what was not available a few years ago.

I have always tried to use my negative emotions in a positive way and hope that I have succeeded in doing so again during this journey.

  • FormerMember

    You go girl maybe they will find it hard to say thank you but they should not everyone would have been asking the questions they would have just worried about themselves ,i know i would be greatful is someone in my family had done everything you had done to safe guard my health and that of my children

    xxxx jackie

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Carrot,

    Well let me tell you a story of my Family. Iam one

    of what used to be Thirteen. Cancer is rife on the male side of the Family. My eldest sister died of a stroke,my elder brother died of Cancer, my other brother died of Cancer I have it as you know now.

    Its like pass the Cancer parcel. There are another two brothers left. the rest are seven of my sisters.

    No Iam not taking any bets on who will be the next to kick the bucket except it wont be me if I have my

    way. So there you go. All the best with your treatment.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • I’m confused with our family 10 years ago I had masectomy for breast cancer no brac test was done now 10 years later my older sister had ovarian and is brac 1 I haven’t been tested as yet but worrieSee no evilthat I’m going to get it in other breast if I’m positive . I’m still on lextrole See no evil