Genetics and Facts about Brac 1 and Brac 2

1 minute read time.

Ok Education time folks: Genetics = Brac Genes are actually a protector against Cancer. You are born with a pair of these genes, which compliment each other in defending the body. Genes are made up of many codes. I was born with a missing part of a code, which eventually stopped the Brac2 regenerating and protecting me.

The fault/missing code of the Gene does not skip generations and there is a 50/50 chance of being passed on through the generations as depending on which part of the gene is taken on conception. (Each parent has 2 Genes, the conception will take one of each from each parent.) It is only if there is definetely a fault that the risk is increased to 80% Breast Cancer and 45% Ovarian Cancer compared to the general population. I did find out that Brac 1 is related to younger aged cancer and Brac 2 to women over 40. I also found out that Brac 1 could be erradicated but only if I.V.F. treatment was required and there was a known fault or missing code in the family. I will be given an appointment to see Gynaecology for removal of ovaries in the near future and it may mean that I do not need a full hysterectomy re possible key hole surgery only. Daughters will be offered the test to see if they have also been born with the missing code as well as extended family members and be offered early screening should it be found. ((It was sad to know that my mum did have this missing code and she never knew as she died very young from something else. But 3 other Aunts and my granny also never knew they had this missing code; and knowledge is noted that for males in the family it can also mean breast or prostate cancer)). I am not brave, but just living with it all and have been granted the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the difference.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna - Very wise words. Thank you for sharing some of the Brac 1 and Brac 2 details -  think we all gain a little by getting an insight into how minor a defect we may of inherited in our genes can wreck lives so many years later. The more that is understood the more chance of a cure or prevention is possible. Thank you for being one of the few to show the way.

    Love and Hugs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carrot,

    I never thought I would be going back to school at my age. But I suppose you never stop learning.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    So now in February 2012. I am recovering from hopefully the last operation re the Breast Cancer diagnosis in April 2010. Been through so much, think it's worth a though to write a book if I can find where to start. Finally operation to remove both Ovaries and Fallopian tubes was done on 6th Feb 2012. 

    Three ops over the last 2 years.................. been hard work as well as the chemo treatments and radiotherapy and getting over so many complications and after effects.