Don't know if I am getting better, just feel worse now.

1 minute read time.

For those who know me, since finishing my Cancer treatments, I have had Chest Infection which I thought was getting clear, but still left with a bad cough and wrenching to the point of vomiting. I feel so, so tired, totally drained and weak and just feel things are not getting any better. Don't know if it is getting rid of all the chemicals in my body, getting used to new medications also as well as overcoming the heavy treatments since April. I am still very pale, bloods came back clear. My reconstruction to my left breast seems to be ok and I can feel it starting to take shape inside as muscles develop. I just cannot seem to get much energy at all and been getting plenty of rest. My heart seems to beat a lot faster these days when I try to do anything and I am getting a bit breathless, but my lungs seem clear and no pneumonia. The Silent Reflux is so frustrating and I have to sleep half up as petrified in case I choke on coughing bout.

Not able to eat much either and although I am hungry I am vomiting more since treatments finished. Do take the Domperindone. I just cannot figure out why I am so much worse now and thought I was to feel better, which is just not happening. 

I just want me back.......................... I know things take time etc, but has anyone else gone through what I am feeling and is it perfectly normal?

If anyone bumps into Santa, could you ask him to drop off some energy, strength and Oomph please.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carot Tops,

    So sad to hear that you are in such a condition right now.  From being with my Dad through treatments etc, I believe it's the effects of the treatment you have had plus your bout of chest infection..your immune system is really low at the moment and your body is having to work extra hard to protect you.

    Please don't get too down, I am sure that you will recover and the 'ME' will return within time,

    No words I give will heal your pain and discomfort straight away but just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotton about you and am still thinking about you everyday, wishing you the best possible on your journey to recovery...

    Monkey888 (from the rat pack) :-)

  • FormerMember

    Now then....!!!! Carrot Tops/Rat Chops, Monkey and Me...that makes 3...the famous Rat Pack...!!!  Ah the Triplets have come together..!!! lol..!!

    Carrot...I'm so sorry hun that you're feeling so rough, and so down. There's no wonder! I think whenever you're poorly and you can't see the end in sight, it gets you down, and very quickly....but you will get better sweetie, and soon. Things just have to take their time. You've had  such  a lot of drugs in your system, and for quite a while, so your immune system has obviously taken a bashing..!! Hence, the chest infection.

    Carrot, I had a chest infection last year that lasted 5wks, and I was so fed up, tired, had no energy and just couldn't see when it was going to go...and I got really down, so imagine you.....all that you've been through this year on top of that..!! So, there's no wonder poppet how you're feeling.  I for one think  you're doing so well Carrot, you always seem to be jolly, and that in itself, can help you recover....positive and happy frame of mind...and that's you..!!

    You  WILL be well again...!  it might just take a little time, but Rat Chops will come shining through. She's still in there somewhere you know..! And if I bump into Santa, I'll ask him for some oomph for you, and a 6' stud muffin for me...!!! Your energy will return hun, I's just your body's way of telling you to slow down whilst you heal.

    So you take good care of yourself Carrot, I'm thinking about you and sending you big get well hugs, and lots of love. x x    

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna.  Sorry to hear you're feeling so rough but you've been through a lot hun and your body needs time to recover.  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that 2011 is a happy and healthy year.  Sending you lots of love and ((((((((((BIG HUGS)))))))))).  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna

    Sorry you are feeling so rough - especially at this time of the year - only thing I can say is take your time, you do push yourself so hard mate - you have had major surgery, followed by infection - no wonder you are feeling drained. - Be kind to yourself.OK ? Thinking of you and yours - have the best Christmas you can and look forward to a better 2011

    Love and Hugs

    john xx