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FRIDAY 7TH JANUARY 2010: Genetics confirmed Brac 2

I knew result would be coming, while hoping they would find nothing and that it would mean I may get out of having to have Hysterectomy/Ovaries removed after my next operation of mastectomy and reconstruction on my side. Still recovering from left side. Yes in a way thanks as now we all know where it had come from and confirmation has done this for me. Appointment with Genetic Counsellor also this month. Now girls and other family members can have their bloods tested also. Still have to tell family this yet and feels like when I was first diagnosed all over again; knowing I will have questions fired at me again and to cope maybe a bit better this time as they all know I was getting tested. Spoke with my eldest sister and now it seems she is beginning to understand more and we had a lengthy conversation about family history and I further found out that B.C. goes way back 5 generations.

I am glad in a way that they have found the faulty Gene in our family now after 5 generations; and preventative measures can be put in place for definite along with raising awareness of need to change diets, environment surroundings etc to help reduce the risk that this Brac 2 gene can thrive on. (Including eostrogen levels and much more.)

I will keep you updated on how this journey unfolds as I prepare myself for my next operation, while recovering from the last one.

I hope this is the start of a new awareness within my family and also the start of taking some control back.

  • FormerMember

    My Dearest Rat Chops...I'm thinking of you...and so sorry and sad that you've had to go through all you have, and still have yet further to face...but I guess from you and your illness, comes the chance for the other ladies in your family, going forward, to be able to miss out the horrors you've had to experience and endur. You truly are an inspiration to me. I'm wishing you well with your recovery, and hoping to be able to have a chat before your next round of surgery. You take good care of yourself, you're very precious.

    Love lots and big hugs,

    Janey x x x  (the Rat Pack Gang, and cleverer twin!!) x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carrot,

    All the best for your next operation and hope all goes well. If anything good has come out of all this its the fact that the rest of the Family can keep an eye out for any changes that might happen over the coming years . Thanks to you. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx