A so so day, neither up or down, just plodding!

3 minute read time.

Monday 25th October 2010:  Woke up with sore head again, feeling sick and still greeny discharge down below, phoned Doctor to get urine bottle for sample as think I have a infection, also asked further if he received letter regarding me starting on the Letrazole. Doctor phoned me back, yes letter received, but he said no actual date on letter for me to start the letrozole, letter stated that it is planned for in the near future along with a Dexa Scan and Radiotherapy. So I mentioned had an appointment today with plastic surgeon etc, so would let him know and get it followed up. Hubby picked up sample bottle and we handed it in on way to hospital. At hospital, Plastic Surgeon happy with scar healing, said there was no further spread according to all the scans and tests that I had prior to my treatment, that they did think  initially that the lymphs nodes had been affected. It will not affect my initial prognosis and that I cna get through all this and survive. What a releive that was, and I mentioned that it was all playing on my mind since I was told last week re the more lymphs affected, then every possibility there was a spread. Mentioned also how I have been feeling the past week. So does sound like I have an infection and will also require a vaginal swab taken as any infection there from the catheter will not show up in the urine infection. Need to get any infection cleared before I get Flu jab also. 

Asked about the letter re letrozole and what doctor said, surgeon replied to get the breast care team to follow this up as well as follow up the appointment for the Dexa Scan. Radiotherapy will be starting in 2 weeks. To see the surgeon again in 6 weeks time, before Xmas. I asked if it would be January or early spring when I go in for the other breast removal and reconstruction; Surgeon said yes around that time. So it looks like I may get a wee break over the Festive period for a few days as the Radiotherapy will be ongoing for 5 days a week for 4 weeks.

Got home phoned Breast Care Team, and yes Morag will follow up with my doctor, agreed that I should have practice Nurse do swab and that I need to wait for infection to be cleared before any Flu Jag given. Dexa Scan will come and I do not need to wait on the Dexa Scan before Radiotherapy and should be started the Letrozole a.s.a.p. She will call the surgery and get this sorted out today. Hopefully by end of week I will be started on this tablet and will be required to take it daily for the next 5 years. Letrozole can cause bone thinning and Oestioporosis and as I have Oestiopenia already I will be given another tablet to take to help strengthen my bones and is called Bizophonate.

I got my blood results from last week and it is up slightly to 11 now. Still needs increased  for the radiotherapy and no wonder I am tired. My wee cells are working so hard inside healing the scars etc.  I got a small fillet to put inside my post operation bra as a bit lop sided at moment, though breast is taking shape.

I have started my xmas shopping on the Internet and will be wrapping up presents bit by bit and not leaving everything to last minute as I normally do as I will even more tired after the radiotherapy and may not feel up to the mad Xmas rush. So this week more Doctor/ Practice Nurse appointments. Try to eat a bit more or get complan and mix with ice cream as suggested my one of my friends on Mac site, list Xmas gifts and shop on internet, got pals coming Tuesday and Wednesday and if I am up to it going out with hubby for an hour or so at weekend to a work dance, even if I show face, guess everyone will be happy to see me.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carrot,

    I see you do what I do to hell with all this rushing about buying Presents, on to the internet buy your Presents. Save your energy for when your Pals come to see you. and then at the weekend go out with Hubby and enjoy yourself. Merry Christmas

    when it comes.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi , Glad your healing nicely,and there is no further spread,which is really good news. Hope the infection clears up soon  then you can have your flu jab.I have just ordered my first christmas present on-line ,fur coat for Ruby my grand daughter,it's lovely.Enjoy your night out at the week end.

    Best wishes  Sue  xx