think the circus is here....could explain the clowns.

2 minute read time.

hi folks,

   mmmmmmmmm this new site takes some getting used to.

haven't been on for a while, not had a great deal to tell you about. had my 2nd chemo with a super duper injection quaranteed to stop the sickness for 5 days, the nhs was robbed only lasted 2.5 days wonder if they can claim a refund.

  You know how they say bad news comes in 3's, i don't hink they can count. just been notified that my nat. ins num has been wrong, this happened 5 yrs ago and no record of me paying into my pension fund. So rang them up tried to explain that i've never been out of work in the last 18 yrs and was told to contact all my former empolyers to get written conformation of my details. So i'm doing your job now i replied, "well according to our records mr.h your on sick leave so you probably have the time to do this".  (CLOWN no.1). So i've called most of them, been offered jobs galore then had the OMG sorry to hear that blah blah blah comments, great fun.

   Then my sick note ran out and low and behold, got to start all the crap about insurances again, send this do that photocopy this. OOOHHHH i'll send you a photocopy that you can hang in your office, needless to say my better half took over before i got into to much they only send txts to say they are assessing my claim....the fact they processed this in july is not important. CLOWN no2.

  next tried to have a normal day out with the grandkids, took them to a large park near newcastle, had a great day out plenty of sunshine fresh air etc. On our way home, big smile you've been caught on camera doing 33 in the 30mph zone. Ok now for the record i've been a hgv driver for 21yrs, i have more than 12 different qualifacations including advanced driving, specialist insurance courses, and safety and fuel efficientcy courses (some run by the police) all passed with honours, and a clean license for over 20yrs. So i was offered a driver awareness course instead of the points, only it ran on the day i had my chemo. This was not a problem i could go in the next day, so i explained that for about a week after the injections, i wasn't capable of sitting in a classroom having a lecture. Guess what they wern't interested so i've got 3 points, but atleast i don't have to sit while some non person tries to teach me to suck eggs.  CLOWN no3.

  I then had to notify my car insurance, and when they asked why i refused the driving course, i explained again about my chemo, only to be told that they would have to reassess my insurance due to having a critical illness. This led to a rather volatile exchange of words (i won't go into) and it looks like i'll need a new company next year. CLOWN no4.

 So all i can say is this...lets load up the custard pie gun because there is more than a few clowns out there.

    Rant over, glad to read (when i found them) that my macfriends are still out there, full of wisdom and craziness. Now i've sorted out how to get on here hopefully i'll be able to catch up with you all. as always stay happy positive and love your family and friends around you. joe xx

  • FormerMember

    ok my loon, everyones told you to calm it down there's only one thing i can say, since leg slaps don't work i'll bring out my secret weapon, VULCAN MIND CONTROL,  and you can hide behind our ruby , seeing as she spends 90% of her day asleep on her bean bag atleast we would know where and what you were up to. no slaps just big hugs.

     thats LM told ems (don't think she'll listen).

    hi jinty hope your husband gets over his anger...don't let the ********* grind you down, big hugs to you both.

    wish i had a bank manager like that colin, mine just offered me a credit card then didn't know wot to say when i asked about criticall illness cover. maybe i shudn't have told him about my condition til after he agreed haha.


  • FormerMember

    Sorry Joe, that's sh1t luck! I'm not a violent person, but there are some people for whom I could make an exception. You seem to have spoken to most of them in the last couple of weeks! I'd be writing letters of complaint right now, in green ink, with poison dripping from the nib...
