that light at the end of the tunnel is a train....

2 minute read time.

hi chaps

  well as my status says good n bad news, went in today for my results and muggins that i am, i listened to the blather, love that word BLATHER, about how things were on the books for an operation. What books they been reading god only knows, but i bet they had washable, chewable and suitable for 2-5yr olds on.........sorry feeling bitter.

   Any road up, in waltzes the doc lovely bloke, askes the general questions how are you, any problems ( yes i'm sitting here with poxy cancer but other than that fine). hows your eating, any probs. ( no eat anything you put in front of me, even do a bushtucker trial if i'm hungry).

   Then the bomb shell, good news the tumor has shrunk significantly, the scan shows this as clear as day. (whoopee doo) but we can't offer an operation,( ok some bugger just popped my ballon, and they better have a good excuse) the scan also shows that some of the lymph nodes have NOT shrunk, and this leads us to a problem, if we operate and don't remove all the cancer cells the chances are it will come back in an advanced agressive state, it would take you nearly a year to recover from this surgery as it is very intrusive and we think you would be lucky to last 6 months.( ok wot i hear is odds on favourite not to see xmas 2012 bah humbug.) So we think ( he continued) another 4 cycles of chemo then restage again, you never know your responding well there is still a small chance of an op. after that. ( look out the window and wonder how to catch that flying pig)

   So my friends it just proves i'm that lucky i could fall into a barrell of boobs and come out sucking my thumb........sorry rant over, just had my wonderfull wife there and she hoped that an operation with a cure was on the books ( same one ) so she was upset, i'm more annoyed at the thought of sitting around with the chemo yukkies again. so i decided to with hold my chemo till after the new year, let my bod heal and enjoy xmas with my family, (possibly not the best idea i've had cos the grand kids are doing my head in about stopping this it really) the doc agreed with me just the chemo nurse to talk to on mon, as long as she agrees i'm hoping for a illness free xmas.

  Then to round off a absolutly fantastic blooming day, newcastle on fri afternoon is pants, so we decided to go xmas shopping at the metro centre.....whos crazy now, didn't get home til half ten tonight, but retail therapy and costa coffee and an early xmas pressie off my beloved saved the day.

    as always stay happy,positive and love those around you.  joe xx  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe,

    #As bigfub says you stay positive, and keep that sense of Humour. Have a nice Christmas with your Family when it comes.  Look after your self.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hallo Joe,

    Just found your blog (yes I know, I'm a bit slow these days) and want to add to the commiserations about that rotten let-down you got from the hospital. Still, it's an ill wind ... you'll at least have a treatment-free Christmas and have enough energy to cope with those grand-kids!

    You got a new wedding ring? I got an engagement ring from beloved at Christmas 2000 - yes that's ELEVEN years ago - but we still haven't got round to fixing a date ( though when I was ill he did say we ought to do it soon - after my money I bet, haha), so when we go out this week to look for my Xmas pressie I think I'll steer him towards a jeweller's!

    I've a friend who lives in Jesmond - anywhere near you? Her husband, a bit older than her, has got Alzheimer's and she's no spring chicken ( my age in fact) so life's a bit pressured for her.

    Anyway, two fingers up to cancer and I'm so pleased I "found" you, I love your humour.

    Love & hugs,

    Annie xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi anne good look with the jewellers, i used to work delivering bricks on wagons so an watches rings etc were doomed to a life of scratches and knocks. since i'm deemed to a life of boredom now my wife treated me to a bling ring instead of the titanium "washer" that was hard wearing.

      jesmond is about 15-20 miles away, but wish her and her husband all our best, must be hard at this time of year as we all know. hugs  joe x


  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe,

    No ring - we had a row in town shopping, so home in silence & still not speaking!

    Happy days ...

    Annie xxx

  • FormerMember

    just wanted to say Hi Joe - let in finding your blog too - you need to be up at 3.00am and working your way through and low and behold I found it !

    There is something about this disease that brings out some strength and humour in people - you must have been knocked on your ass - excuse language - at your latest hospital appointment but here you are still standing in your corner and taking it on - I know - what other choice do you have ? But to do it with fortitude and the ability to impart a laugh into the telling - now that takes something.

    Its a new year - am I glad to see the back of the last - yes and no - it gave me my beautiful new grand-daughter and it gave me some of the worst times of my life so a very mixed bag, what I do know is we are ready, able and willing to fight the good fight whatever this year brings.

    Take care Joe,

    Lyn x