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hi folks,

    OMG success at logging in, now wot to say. First just to update on manuka honey.... after a long conversation with the head staff nurse in charge of my chemo the subject of manuka honey came up.I had been taken it after reading, like alot of ther people , the benifits to the immune system. As it turns out there has been various tests done on this and the results have shown that certain types of pollen collected and used in manuka honey has a detrimental effect on types of chemo( MUST STRESS NOT ALL CHEMO ).I was asked to bring in the jar and the lab would check, this was a jar of +10 manuka honey from aldi, it didn't list all the infomation so i was advised against it. The advice i was given at newcastle's cancer research centre is to ask or take a jar in for the hospital to asses, like i said i must stress not all chemo is affected, as not all manuka honey comes from the same region.

   Well after a terrible chemo cycle, i've had my 4th course and now waiting (thats wot we do WAIT) for my restaging on the 1st of dec, guess wots on my santa's list. the oncologist is mildy optumistic things look good as i'm eating normal food ( even had a pizza as a treat ) no weight loss or pain and feel alot more happier in myself. So fingers toes crossed.

    on a sad note, a very close friend  has just found out his father has terminal lung cancer, he lost his mother to this on the 10/10/ 07. his dad was diagnosed on 10/10/11. poxy cancer. told him to check out macworld for support.

    as always stay happy positive and love those around you,  joe xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh, I had that sort of list a couple of months ago... I think you remember it (or at least me being a screaming psycho about the results anyway ha ha)  It wasn't called restaging though. I get you now.....

    Better be a 3 then or I am coming round with the bat to thwack the little bugger so small they won't even be able to find it for an op... 

    But I won't be needing it cos you will get a good result. Cos I said so. There.

    Big hugs xxx