Steve E

Less than one minute read time.

Had my follow up appointment today and thought it was all done and dusted at Christmas after having my bladder cancer operation 3 days before Christmas and allowed to go home on the 23 December. 

How wrong can a person be. So saw the lovely nurse today and thought the bottom had dropped out of my world. To be told I had had a aggressive type tumor and would be starting more treatment in a week or so.

And to put the icing on top of the cake I am told I have a 3 cm cyst on my left kidney that is going to be kept an eye on. My other half is really beside herself and trying hard not to show her emotion to much. Myself I'm not sure how I should feel. I'm just numb at the moment is the only way I can explain how I am. Hopefully after the treatment and everything it will all sort itself out. 
