Cant beleive it

  • Steve E

    Had my follow up appointment today and thought it was all done and dusted at Christmas after having my bladder cancer operation 3 days before Christmas and allowed to go home on the 23 December. 

    How wrong can a person be. So saw the lovely nurse today and thought the bottom had dropped out of my world. To be told I had had a aggressive type tumor and would be starting more treatment in a week or so.

    And to put the icing…

  • The waiting game


    Over the last two years I have been to my  doctor sevaral times with persistant diarrhea.  He kept saying .... are you loosing weight  "no" do you feel unwell "no" . Theres nothing to worry about then.

    About the time of the symptoms starting he changed my BP tablets and on the leaflet it says may cause 'diarrhea' along with a whole host of other side effects.

    This eased my mind and I put up…