Cancer, Me and Them

  • Caravans, Cuddles and Rainbows


    Ahhhhh back home....

    We have just arrived back today after a week away in a caravan with the children, a good time was had by all!

    The caravan was a lovely big static on a peaceful site with a river running through it, we had no internet or phone signal on site either, so had to rely on books and in my case crochet to keep our minds occupied.  Brought back many memories of such holidays of when I was younger and we would…

  • Positivity and misery


    Afternoon all,

    What have we been up to since our break?  

    Well the oldest two children returned home on Tuesday full of their holiday away with their grandparents. They had a lovely time, spend some time at a caravan and playing on the beach, going to the fun fair and just generally getting to be children enjoying a holiday.  We are very grateful for my dad and my step-mum for doing this, giving them this time to be children…

  • Time Away...?


    Hello dear readers,

    I have been musing over whether to blog or not to blog, do you really want to know the minutiae of our ordinary lives?  or just the cancer bit?  But I figure you probably do want to know about the good bits too, shows you that even under the worst circumstances you can enjoy yourself.  If you like me have this 'terminal' diagnosis but are not yet in that 'place' yet where your mind allows you to shut…

  • Post celebratory blues...?


    Morning all,

    It is early.  4.45am to be precise.  I have been awake now for over two hours.  The boys are all sleeping soundly.  As is the way of things my brain is ticking over and I figure blogging is the best way to get it to be quiet.

    Since we got the results yesterday I have had a mix of emotions.  Everyone is so happy for us and we are happy too.  We are. has also brought me down somewhat too.  This I hadn't…

  • Results



    Last night didn't hold much restful sleep as I am sure you can imagine.  

    I was caught unaware whilst writing my blog post by all my Facebook friends lighting candles and posting pictures of them to let me know they were thinking of me.  My Facebook went nuts for over an hour and my eyes leaked not for the first time, not entirely helped with my writing of quite an emotional blog.  I often cry a little while…