Drowning in it all

1 minute read time.

My mum is the strongest, kindest most unique person I know, she is also my best friend, the only person who has stood there and told me "you can do this" no matter how bad things have gotten, even when I told her at 17 that I was pregnant and she just said oh well you'll be great at it and there me in tears thinking she's going to throw me out or something!

I was told June last year my mum has cancer for the 3rd time, this time its lung cancer and she's going to die, we don't know how long she has left my mum doesn't want to know, one day, one week, one month at a time that's what she says.

She was on tablets that helped, but now she's just had her 2nd lot of chemo and for the first time I can see her getting down and struggling, I know she's been in pain, I know its happening, but its the first time its felt real just really completely real. I'm struggling. I'm really struggling not to cry every time I'm near her, not to break down in front of my kids.

I'm behind with all my studying and my housework, I just can't bring myself to do it and now I feel worse than ever like I'm drowning in everything and I'm just so scared that if I'm like this now, what am I going to be like when she's gone?! 

I'm sorry to whine on, but I just needed to talk, I needed to let it out somewhere because I don't feel like I can talk to anyone and it feels like its eating me up inside.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jenimarie.There is nothing I can really say except im so sorry that you and your Mum are going through this.Do you have any other family? it would be bet to forget your studying but tell them (if you can ) the situation.If I was your friend I would do what i could to help you such as some housework.Do you have a friend you can confide in? What part of the UK are you in? I wish I could be of more help.HUGS

  • FormerMember

    I'm from north wales, my dad is suffering with depression and if I even mention anything he starts crying, my husband is trying to be supportive but he never knows what to say and ends up burying his head in a computer game or something. I only have 2 real friends who I can talk to but they're so busy in their own lives I feel bad putting my problems on them and then I have my 4 kids all under 7 and I'm trying my hardest to pretend for them everything is fine for them and I just feel like inside I'm falling apart :( to make it worse my mum and dad have the post office in the next village which they now have to shut and so everybody seems to know and people keep looking at me with that pitying look and now I don't even want to leave the house because all I feel like doing is crying all the time!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jenimarie,

                    Id start shouting at your husband and tell him you need more help.Might be a good idea to see your gp.An anti depressant might help,I dont know.They have helped me but they take a while to work.Have any friends said anything to you? It would help if they just said how sorry they are and offered help.I wish I had a magic wand.HUGS xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you janique :) Its not that my husband doesn't try, he just doesn't know what to do or what to say and I don't really know either I just get so low sometimes, but sooner or later I always bounce back it can always be worse eh!

    I can't stand the thought of anti depressants I inherited a very negative view of tablets of all kinds from my mum, she's always said there's always an alternative which is why its so ironic that she's taking so many she's convinced she's going to start rattling when she walks! 

    In the back of my mind I think this sadness is going to get worse before it gets better and it will never really leave me, but neither will my mum, cancer may be able to take her body but it'll never take her spirit from me, it won't be able to stop me talking to her even when she's gone and I don't give a damn if people think I'm crazy I don't believe my mum will ever truly leave me.