The truth

Less than one minute read time.

This is a post to let everyone know that the information on this page is not true.

I do not have cancer, I made it all up and there are no words to describe how low my actions are.

I have been to the Police and I will be getting help.

Even though sorry offers little for my actions, it is heartfelt.

  • FormerMember

    Solent at  the time Claire asked you questions you mentioned the problems it was causing with you and hubby, very understandable, my hubby and daughter also expect to come first. Yet my hubby never batted an eyelid when I booked to go see Jax at Centre Parcs, with my daughter. Nor when her hubby rang in early hours to say she'd passed, he was first to book my ticket/hotel so I could attend the funeral. He loves me and knows how much my friends on here have meant to me. But really if he was telling me something was iffy I would listen. I pride myself on being a good judge of character, not right every time, but good instincts. Cancer can skew all that, emotions, perceptions can be off, why would you pretend? So if hubby had said something wasn't right I would have listened.

    My real point is that at the time you chose to totally disregard 'our instincts' even though the things we were saying were based in, if not fact, commonsense. So many things were just too unbelievable. Claire approached you privately, you chose to make it public and actually threatened her with legal action for slander, yet you had no problem accusing us of causing 'Sam's' miscarriage, did you think that didn't hurt? We didn't have to 'see' her to know that nothing added up. Not sure Claire is in the frame of mind for apologies, too much water under the bridge and all that, it's very hurtful to support people and then have them turn on you

    I am not trying to hurt you now, just trying to point out that just because your intentions as far as Cadee was concerned were good doesn't mean you haven't hurt others in the process. Claire took a lot of flak for this and I don't think anything much can be said to make that right. You can sometimes get too caught up in cancer to be able to see clearly, believe me I've been there and we come to rely on friends to bring us back to sanity. Fortunately I am one of the lucky ones, out the other side, for now.

    I will end with what I said at back then - if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then usually IT'S A DUCK!

  • FormerMember

    And I will end it with - LOVE YOU MAXINE, YOU ROCK!!! xxxxxxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    i am so saddened by cadee / pj queen / kirsty / posting as i along with many others was completely sucked in by her stories. 

    special people who truly care about others like jadco and sol have been affected really badly by all this.

    im saddened by some of the glib and blameing comments being directed to people whos only crime is too care,

    i personally spent many hours ""nursing" cadee through some of her worse moments, but i dont hate her.

    she must be a very mixed up young woman to have resorted to this kind of deceit 

    ,et the british justice system do its best and we can move on

    if we are bitter we can not move on. all of us who are genuine need the help and support this mac chat room offers us

    dont let it be ruined / wasted

  • FormerMember

    I would just like to share a hug and offer love and thoughts to every person who has been hurt by the one responsible for this, however they have been affected by this woman's lies and all the pain that has been caused, and I still feel very upset about the pain 'Anna' caused, who I was more involved with and the tears I cried for 'Charly'. So I just wanted to let everyone affected, however how, know you are in my thoughts. Let's keep our true friends nearer to us than ever and not allow the fakers to take any more support away from unselfish people who had tried to help them (however they helped - and there are lots of ways that people supported Cadee) than they already have. And although I have not returned to chat as I would find it hard to trust my judgement with new members, I do trust my judgement with you, my chat friends, and always will. Lots of love x

  • FormerMember

    hmm u obviously are a sad lonely person with nothing better to do... i pitty you because this is what you do for entertainment? wow....