The truth

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This is a post to let everyone know that the information on this page is not true.

I do not have cancer, I made it all up and there are no words to describe how low my actions are.

I have been to the Police and I will be getting help.

Even though sorry offers little for my actions, it is heartfelt.

  • FormerMember

    Just read this and while it isn't a shock because that fake spelling stuff was just nonsense I am really appalled about the whole thing. Firstly, this is not a sick person, this is a calculated malicious attention seeker. Have no doubt. I would not be surprised if she has several fake accounts on this site and has probably replied to this thread as them. I would put nothing past this kind of person. As for the people who had her friends and others phone numbers, were they all in on this as well?? I doubt the police would even be interested in this story either, it would be best to name and shame her and call the daily mail because they would love this.

    I am also astounded at the levels to which people on this site have supported her. I think it is very kind and generous of people but none of us here who are supporting loved ones or who are sick themselves should be putting our own lives on hold for someone we have met on the internet. Support should be given on the basis of that person being in your life and giving it to someone you don't know 'singing them songs' etc etc. I don't really understand, I've needed help often on this site and wouldn't dream of asking ANYONE to sing me songs or send me stuff, it's insane.

    The whole don't give out your number thing is also totally pointless, whether you all gave her your number or not would not have made any difference here. What exactly do any of you think someone can do with a phone number unless they work for BT and can find out where you live through it and then what do you think they're going to do? come and look for you and make you give them support?! I'm sorry but this whole thing is just ridiculous.

    All I can say is, this is one of those what goes around comes around and one day maybe this idiot will find out she does have cancer and look for support and there will be no one to give her it. I am also utterly disgusted that she even went to events and met people in real life while spinning out these lies, was she stupid enough to think no one would notice she wasn't ill?!! I never spoke to her because when I saw the spelling I thought she was taking the p*ss and that's exactly what she has done. Pretending you have cancer is one thing but then to pretend you can't spell and basically ridicule people for believing you is another, and I imagine she spent many a time giggling to herself about this whole thing and how on earth she was getting away with it all. Good Luck to you PJ and I do hope your story does end up in the Daily Mail because you have wasted a lot of vulnerable and kind and generous peoples time. It's a disgrace and maybe one day you will learn from real life what you have done is utterly disgusting and I take pity on you if it does.

  • FormerMember

    I really don't think this was about laughing at anyone Think, I think she is mentally ill and the more the attention she got was feeding her illness, the more she craved it and the more extremes she took it to. I really hate the hurt and pain that is the reality of what she has done and will never negate the effect of her actions on people but nobody should ever have to apologise for humanity. I don't think she is ridiculing anyone even though the effect is that people who trusted in her feel ridiculed and humiliated.

    And just to say once again more hugs to those who have most been hurt and effected by the pain and very real effect that has been caused here, just because I don't go in chat much now I do still trust in you, my real friends, and hold you all close in my thoughts. 

    Lis x

  • FormerMember

    I cannot believe what I am reading, I thought I was giving support to a young girl suffering from brain cancer and who had same operation as my beloved husband to find out its all a lie.  Really cannot understand this or why feel so violated and now stupid I would never of dreamt someone would make up having this absolutely disgusting

  • FormerMember

    No sympathy from me I'm afraid.

    My sister died of cancer and no 'mental illness' which resorts to crap like this is worth me saying 'Oh it's ok, go find other help ^____^'. Nope, sorry. This is sick.

    She can read, write, has a family, nice home to live in, etc. My sister doesn't even have her life anymore.

    Rot for all I care. And for the record, I won't be using this site again. IRL interaction all the way.

  • FormerMember

    I am deeply, deeply saddened that Cadee/pj/Kirsty...whatever...felt that she had to resort to all of  this. Dealing with, living with and fighting cancer every single day - like me - is not something to be mimic'd or played around with...and I do feel that this is exactly what she did. 

    If she is 'mentally sick' , then I hope that she gets the specialist help she needs from genuine people. If she is just malicious, calculating and a parasite preying on other people, then may she get her just desserts.

     Above all, I feel for her parents in all of this - it must be a living nightmare. My thoughts and prayers are with them right now.

    There were lots of things that did not add up in Cadee/pj/Kirsty's story over time - her pictures on facebook showing a surprisingly healthy young person for one who had supposedly been at death's door more than once, had alarm bells ringing - but perhaps in our desire to see the 'good' in people and to offer assistance to someone in apparent distress, this was sometimes overlooked. No one is guilty here of anything more than caring about a fellow human being. It's a fact of life that if we care, there will be times when we get taken in or hurt by the unscrupulous.

    She has not destroyed my faith in human nature - I will never allow her or those like her to do that.