At leasts its not PCV!!

Less than one minute read time.

Lets start wiv the good stuff. The Barts thing is looking hopeful, they want mor info abowt me, so fingas crossed it will work owt an they will lov me and they will want to tayk me ther and giv me gamma gamma treetment.

On to ova news... I desided to hav chemo, my onc finks it has a gud chance of working. He is using a diff combo of drugs, carmustine and procarbazine. So carmustine on day 1 thru an IV and the procarb is tablets wich i tayk on day 1 - 14 and then i get a lital rest for a few days b4 doin it all agen. It will tayk me to december. Is mad to fink is that long away.

I fink this is gunna be a tuff slog, I just hope it is worth it... that is all am worrid abowt, I don wan do all this for nuffin. So let the butt kikin begin!

