Coming up for air

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Well that was worse than I antoicipated. The other oncologist changed my meds to prevent sickness and instead incrased it 100 fold Wednesday night and Thursday was a blur of vomit, bile and assorted people sticking needles in various parts of my anatomy and then I slowly began to resurface and here I am Sunday still with most of my hair (thank you cold cap) most of my appetitie and ready to start teaching tomorrow again!

Special thanks go to my old friend and daughter's godmother who took her out Christmas shopping today, my son's friend's mother who took him to the panto on Friday and my sister in law who just swoops in and sorts out all my domestic issues from schooluniforms to lifts into town .As for hubby its all getting too much for him.

How canI be so ill one day and ready for school two days later? He cannot get hishead round this chemo lark and is finding it all too much. Still I loved the birthdy card, forever friends cake and I'm getting busy with the whizzy with my new soda stream (apple flavour is great when your mouth tastes rubbish!)
