Buddhism for Breast Cancer Beings

  • What is Cancer Screening?


    Screening is a set of simple tests performed to diagnose a disease of a person with no symptoms. When it comes to cancer screening, everyone should do the screening once a year. Before we deep dive into this, let's see what cancer screen means, the benefits of cancer screening, and the types of cancer screening.


    Importance of Cancer Screening


    Early diagnosis of cancer increases the chances of successful treatment…

  • Back to the Buddhism


    So I went through the slough of despond after chemo 4 as the veins in my left arm packed in and being left handed it was as if my world imploded. So the rest of the chemo was pumped into my right arm and I stayed home fighting the petty miserable side effects willing it all to be over.

    Now Im back at school, swimming againand feeling human. I know the radiotherapy is to come but we are near the end! Hooray

  • New year New Ewe?


    Round 4 came and went between Christmas and New Year - relatively easy and then we enjoyed New year and the following week of holiday.

    Then at the weekend before school starts my body decided to crumble. An enormous ulcer on the side of my tongue gave me an instant sppech impediment and then a painful lump appeared on the back of my left hand disabling my ability to write!

    A nice young Indiandoctor in A&E xrayed it…

  • Advent - Impermanence and being positive


    The weekend after session 3 of FEC, On the positives I still have my hair, my teeth, ny gums and most of my stomach contents. However I'm incredibly tearful at anything and nothing. Many of my friends seem to have lost parents over the ast few months and so I am very luckyt to have 2 able and fighting fit parents who are taking care of thmselves and able to give me support via webcam and phone from 500 miles away. Children…

  • Round 3 - anticipating Christmas


    Here I am about to start round 3 and am in the middle of the second period from hell (when does the menopause start?!) My fear is that my red blood count will be down and my chemo postponed and I have Christmas all planned out!

    The other problem is the other half. He's finding all this active parenting is exhausting and is getting very angry at the lack of sympathy for him! Its exhausting and if it wasn't for school…