Treatment 6 - days lapsed 8 - 24 treatments remaining

2 minute read time.
They called me in early today. Before treatment started I explained that I have started taking paracetamol because of a painful gland on the right of my neck. I had isolated this before and suspected a throat infection, probably due to my lowered immunity (MS plus radiotherapy). I was weighed and had increased weight by 1.5kg ..... To which the radiographer told me 'well done'. Well, I have never before in my life been congratulated for increasing this amount in a week! The radiographer said she would check my treatment pattern,as there's a possibility this area has been receiving treatment ..... She marked a small dot indicating the lowest point of the treatment area and guess what? The gland is just inside this area. So, I have am explanation and feel less worried. After the session I followed up about the treatment area and asked whether I could see the pattern. The radiographer showed me that her information is numerical and represents angles, depths, intensities ..... But isn't very visual. She is going to try to obtain a visual from the physics dept ..... Which is based upon the layers of my CT scan and plots the area with numbers .... Apparently looking like the isobars on a weather map. Am I a real saddo wanting to see this?? She thought it was great that I was interested in knowing more about my treatment. My dental irrigator arrived today ..... I am hoping the little water jets keep my teeth as pristine as possible. So, onto side effects.... Immediately after I drank some water and my taste response was ever so slightly altered. The achey throat / gland you know about .... The advice being to continue with paracetamol and top up with ibuprofen if needed. The inside of my cheek on the RH side is feeling a little tender, as is the lower gum line along that side. This evening, the front of my tongue has begun to feel as though I have burnt it when I am drinking a cup of tea, or eating hot food. Earlier today I picked up my Gelclair prescription and have attempted to apply the raw, undiluted product to the inside of my right cheek. I don't know the best way to apply this and so I am planning to take a gel sachet with me to the clinic appt tomorrow. Mum arrived this afternoon .... It is going to be great having her here. Graham won't need to do quite so many treatment runs, although he has told me that he wants to support me. How lucky I am! And so, it is now time for nytol and sleep. Until tomorrow.