Saturday after session 10 - lost ability to taste

1 minute read time.
How weird it feels ..... My taste no longer works, except for a slight sense of sugar, a tingle from vinegar, and (so far) I can still taste a bay leaf!! Interesting experiments will follow I'm sure, but the main one will be trying to determine why I eat? For the taste, the feeling of food in my mouth, or because my tummy is empty ..... Maybe there's a 4th option - lets call it 'some other reason'. If I were a betting woman I'd say for the taste - not my cooking, generally, but my husbands. The big downside - I couldn't taste anything except sweet when I tested chocolate. A big upside, hopefully food won't be as appealing and I can shift some weight! Also, the disgusting Gelclair didn't seem so bad tonight. I also discovered my first tiny ulcer beneath my tongue. It was a tiny bubble but seems to have subsided. My inside cheek is still a little sore but no eruptions into ulcers as yet. Also, earlier today I had an hours snooze when we got home from Mariellas swimming and then singing lessons. All this before heading off for a back massage. It cost more than I anticipated, but was worth it. Mariella made me a picture ready for next weekend (Mothers Day) - it is sooo beautiful. I have such a thoughtful and caring little daughter. The brightest moment in today's bag of variable happenings. I will write more on Monday, or before if there's more to tell. X
  • FormerMember
    Oh hunny, it must be really strange not to taste. My taste buds changed dramatically during and after treatment, and although I could taste food, it all turned my stomach. Lost loads of weight and was only 7st10 to start with! Lived on malted milk biscuits and Fresubin protien drinks which the hospital dietician prescribed for me (the drinks not the malted milk biscuits!). What we have to go through to beat this horrible disease. Just remember most of these side effects are only temporary. You must be nearly half way through so keep crossing those days off. Sending you sparkly strength xxx