
  • The Legacy of Hope

    Today is this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day, marking the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The theme for this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day is The Legacy of Hope, something many of us will or have felt. I visited these two camps during a trip to Poland in 2001 and stood in the guard tower in Birkenau that you can see here and took a photograph of the scene picture below from the opposite…
  • RIP Teddy P

    Goodbye Teddy Pendergrass, one of my heroes. Thank you for the joy you have put in to my life.



    Watch Teddy still performing in spite of his paralysis




  • Don't take my stabilisers off just yet, I'm not sure I can fly without my magic feather.

    So there I was at my last appointment with my consultant, lying on the examination bed, naked from the chest down. The two attending nurses being both level headed and levelheaded in their attempt to keep my dignity intact. It doesn't work, but we probably all felt better for the pretence. The area of interest we were pretending disinterest in was lying forlorn covered in lubricating gel and whatever fluid had been…
  • Why Sandi Toksvig is one my my heroes.

    Yes it's true and she is. I suppose this is not a real blog post in the strictest terms of reference but so what, who cares? I was googling (should that be a capital letter or only when it's the site title not the exercise?) as usual for strange and wonderful things. Todays foray into the cyber wilderness was about Tim Bentinck, who plays David Archer in the Archers, and that he does the voice you hear on the London Underground…
  • I am the best bubble catcher in the house, but rubbish at Hannah Montana songs.

    But we'll get to that later. As I told my friends in chat last night I was pressed into service at short notice to be responsible for Caitlin and Hannah. Me responsible! the thought, normally that word doesn't get used in the same paragraph as my name. So I managed to drag my weary unrested body from the pit on time and the girls were delivered to me right on the dot at 8.30 as planned. Whatever happened to the son who…