The Legacy of Hope

1 minute read time.

Today is this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day, marking the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The theme for this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day is The Legacy of Hope, something many of us will or have felt. I visited these two camps during a trip to Poland in 2001 and stood in the guard tower in Birkenau that you can see here and took a photograph of the scene picture below from the opposite view (not this actual photograph - mine was taken with a panoramic lens) and I have difficulty expressing my feeling as I looked at the same scene.

The photograph of Auschwitz is a view known to many, and if for no other reason it is there for all to remember.


There isn't much I wanted to put in a new page at present but I felt this should be posted.



On a more mundane front, I have had a pretty bad few days with the back/leg problem and phoned the hospital to find out when my expected appointment is likely to be. The consultant's diary secretary calmly told me that my appointment was for next week and that they had posted a letter to me back in December to let me know. Another letter I haven't had from them! Also finally had to admit defeat and made an appt to see my own GP for sleeping problems, which is reaching the stage of stupidity now.

  • FormerMember

    Bren, those photos still make the hairs on my arms stand up.  I admire people for visiting those places but I don't know that I could....the utter horrors that were carried out, much of which will never be known probably - we should never forget.

    As to your mundane front (whats your back like hehe) glad you checked about your appointment, might have missed it completely!!!!!!!  Well done for getting onto your GP about not sleeping - good luck.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Not a lot I or anyone can say really. I can't imagine how people managed to cope with the knowledge of what happened. As my stepdad says, 'there's always someone who is worse off than me'.

    Hope you get your sleeping problems sorted soon - I'm like a zombie after a disturbed night, and even small problems seem enormous. Sending you good wishes. V X

  • FormerMember


    Those pictures give me shivers, they say a picture paints a thousand words - I can't begin to comprehend how is must have been for those poor people.

    I personally feel that what I've been through just pales into insignificance compared to what they had to endure and at least I still have hope, where as

    they ..........

    I'm glad you are seeking help regarding your sleeping.  My recovery has come on leaps and bounds since I started on the sleepers.  They make you feel so much better during the day and actually get stuff done.  They have helped me get back into a proper sleep pattern.

    Take care



    • Reply from Bren: Hoping sleeping problem doesn't become sleeping tablets Jo.

  • The image of pure evil that it is necessary to preserve in order to honour the dead and remind the living.

    Regarding your leg and sleep problems - I hope you can kick some 'ass' (American spelling!) and get something done.

    Best wishes,



    Reply from Bren: Not at all sure that the sudden jerking from the kicking movement would be more than I could manage Kate

  • FormerMember


    Echo all of the above - Auschwitz and hospital letters.

    Earlier this month 14th I needed to cancel Steve's appointment - to be told he didnt have one and should have gone on December 31st - this was changed whilst we stood at the desk in July - what they like.

    hope you get other things sorted by your gp xxx