Breast cancer at 31

  • 1st cycle, day 12

    Have felt great since day 7! Day 6's chilling out did me good and I have pretty much carried on as normal with daily activities, school/nursery runs and my girls activities with the help of my fab Mum to lighten the load slightly! Although I am not suffering with side effects half as much as I expected (although it's still early days!), there's no way I could get through this without my Mum, she's amazing. X…
  • 1st cycle, day 6

    Woke up with a slightly fuzzy head and feel about 80% today, think its the first day I've felt like I've actually had chemo. Temperature is still fine so I've taken a couple of paracetamol for the mild headache. Managed fine dropping the kids at school and nursery but having a lazy tv morning, guilt free!
  • 1st chemo cycle, day 4

    Feeling very good today, to be honest I can't say I feel any different to pre chemo days and haven't really had to slow down at all. It's difficult not to look for side effects! Today I felt a bit nauseous earlier but think I was actually getting a bit hungry as I'd only eaten a small dairy lea roll about 3 hours earlier for lunch with my daughter after her nursery - she was making lunch for us today :) I'm not getting…
  • Chemo 1 of 6 FEC

    I had my first chemo on Thursday, it's now Saturday evening and I feel fine, I've had a few waves of nausea but no sickness and I think I am probably at my usual state of tiredness if I'm honest and not looking to blame it on the FEC. Early days really for the side effects, the hair loss and fatigue are bound to appear sooner rather than later however it was the sickness which worried me the most so I am very glad that…
  • Surgery results

    My surgery results were on Monday 20th August. The surgery recovery took my mind off the stress of my results a little but the last few dys before the results were pretty horrendous. I was getting so hung up on the number of effected lymph nodes and what it might mean. My mum and husband came with me and as I approached the clinic I began to panic. I was absolutely dreading what my surgeon was going to tell me. She…