DIEP Flap Reconstruction

2 minute read time.

Well, hello everyone, have just re-found how to do this!  Anyway, hope you are all as well as you can be and enjoying the Olympics.  As some of you may know I have been waiting for a reconstruction (DIEP) since Feb. 2011 - it was cancelled 3 times due to the long waiting lists and immediate recons. being done.  I had two pre-op assessments and the final pre-op I mentioned I had started to get chest pains and was sure this was down to anxiety.  So my surgery was cancelled a fourth time on the spot and was told I needed to go back to my cardiologist for another angiogram.  I know Broomfield are doing a great job and have my life in their hands so that comes first, but still X?<!!!^$£@!  Its now August 2012 and I've had two angiograms in the space of 4 weeks to make double sure!  My stent is fine, there's just a little furring on the outside where it joins my artery - NOT on the inside and the reason I've been getting these pains is because of a spasm?  So here I now am, ready and wanting to have this delayed procedure.  My husband is petrified, my daughter thinks I'm going to die and I'm feeling very selfish to want this.  In my heart I no longer want to be a part of breast cancer and seeing my mutilated body with a fat arm is a VERY strong reminder; I know my arm will always have lymphodaema, I can live with that but I just feel so crap having one dangling breast with the other side needing a 'piece' put into a bra to make me look 'okay' on the outside.  My husband loves me no matter what but he doesn't understand how I feel about myself as a woman.  He says I should be grateful to be here after 5 years and make the most of it.  I'm only 52 and see this big step as a way of moving on and taking control of my life once again.  I look like I've eaten the entire contents of the street due to comfort eating and wanting a nice big fat belly for the surgeon and just don't know what to do.  Please, has anyone wished they hadn't had breast reconstruction and why?  Has anyone had this kind of experience I can draw on.  I don't even care about having a nipple, just want a mound and the experience of being able to buy nice underwear again.   In any event, congratulations to all you lovely ladies who have triumphed whatever decision you have made and keep well.  Hope someone can help unravel me!

  • Hi Ann

    Just been reading your profile. You have had a hell of a time.

    I was diagnosed with Grade 2 lobular breast cancer which had also reached my lymph nodes and had a mastectomy of left breast and removal of lymph nodes in April 2007.

    Had 6 x TAC chemo followed by radiotherapy.

    I finally got my DIEP reconstruction in April 2010 and its the best thing I did. My family thought I was mad as the operation is quite painful. I just wanted to feel and look like a woman again.

    I was 61 when I had my recon so much older than you but I can honestly say the results are amazing. Had the diep recon plus implant in my left "breast" and an implant and lift to my right breast to match. No drooping breasts for me.

    You do whatever makes you happy. I wish you all the very best.

    Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Sue G, hope you get this message of thanks as I am useless with computers!  Anyway, it was so refreshing to read your positive experience; unless we've walked this walk I don't think anyone else is able to advise and the fact you have been there, done that and now wearing the t-shirt with pride is like giving me a gift!  Come Tuesday am. I shall be up the doctor's with my heart results asking for a fax to be sent to Broomfield, hopefully this time for what I want.  I feel so proud for you and I bet you have a new lease of life with your new self.  My family just don't want me to have this op either but, as you have said, this is a one only decision and you have helped me make a more confident decision.  I have requested a 'friend request' from you as I don't know how to message you so hope you understand.  In any event 61 is the new 50 so keep on rocking and be strong!  Kindest regards, Ann x

  • Hi Ann

    Yes I received your request ok and accepted.

    Hope the heart results go well. I had to have a CT and bone scan prior to the recon too I suppose to make sure I was worth the cost of the surgery. LOL

    Best of luck. Let me know how you get on.

    Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx