Breast Cancer and delayed reconstruction

  • Ld breast reconstruction


    I am booked to have delayed LD breast reconstruction on Monday 5th sep , anyone else had this , what’s your experiences ? What’s it like after , pain and how long to recover  etc . 

    I live on my own , my mum is staying for a few nights once I’m home . 

    thanks Julie 

  • DIEP Flap Reconstruction


    Well, hello everyone, have just re-found how to do this!  Anyway, hope you are all as well as you can be and enjoying the Olympics.  As some of you may know I have been waiting for a reconstruction (DIEP) since Feb. 2011 - it was cancelled 3 times due to the long waiting lists and immediate recons. being done.  I had two pre-op assessments and the final pre-op I mentioned I had started to get chest pains and was sure this…