About to start Docetaxel ...feeling apprehensive

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Hi I am new to the site. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of May. The initial shock and anxiety waiting for a biopsy and the result were extremely hard to deal with. Once my treatment plan was in place I felt more in control. I am having neo adjuvant chemo prior to a lumpectomy. I have just had my 4th session of EC chemo and will start my first session of Docetaxel on 26th Sept followed by my first Herceptin on 30th Sept. Apart from hair loss, nausea and sleep disturbance I have been fairly ok so far. I am very apprehensive about the side effects of the Docetaxel though but know I will need to just go with it and manage sued effects as they present. Good days, bad days emotionally but overall keeping strong and positive.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Crystal Kitty,  Just noticed you joining and read your blog posts. Not that many here read the blogs as most tend to be personal diaries of treatments etc sticking mostly with the groups.

    What you really want to do is join the Breast Group - Just click on the green text link and when the page opens have a little read and click the button at the top of the page that says 'Join This Group' select New Discussion and post the above blog text in as an introduction - then click on 'Publish' to post it to the forum. It's quite easy once you get the hang of it :-)

    You'll soon get loads of replies as it's a very well used friendly group with quite a few tips regarding advice about Docetaxel chemo.

    Take care, hope to see you over the fence in a while.

    George & Jackie (breast group)  

    Jackie finished treatment 2 1/2 years back - Mastectomy, chemo, rads and Herceptin.

  • FormerMember
    Thanks for the guidance - had a feeling I wasn't in the right place! Denise