Breast cancer ... Neo adjuvant chemo prior to lumpectomy

  • First Docetaxel and Herceptin done and dusted ....

    Well after the apprehension of facing Docetaxel for the first time, I am now 10 days down the line. I had a couple of slightly off par days and have a little more nausea and heartburn this time but not too bad. I have also had dried blood in my nose and mouth feels weird but only lasted a day. I have also had my first Herceptin injection so feel I am slowly getting through the treatment plan ticking them off as I go…
  • About to start Docetaxel ...feeling apprehensive

    Hi I am new to the site. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of May. The initial shock and anxiety waiting for a biopsy and the result were extremely hard to deal with. Once my treatment plan was in place I felt more in control. I am having neo adjuvant chemo prior to a lumpectomy. I have just had my 4th session of EC chemo and will start my first session of Docetaxel on 26th Sept followed by my first…