Breast cancer journey - staring at chemo #3!

  • Day 4 after Chemo #3 (EC) - zombie phase

    Seems to be my pattern, it’s day 4 after chemo and here it is, the zombie 48 hours - I’m in no pain, I eat, I sleep but just literally have no energy.  The first time this was quite frightening, but now I know that in about 48 hours ...
  • Day 3 after Chemo #3 (EC) - feeling good - but slowing down

    So results from day #2 and the planned things shower - well that got delayed until 1pmish.. just kept getting distracted  veggies for dinner - already done by time I got out of bed around 10 (as I was busy writing blog!) walk dog 7.30 pm!!...
  • Day 2 after Chemo #3 (EC) - feeling pretty good

    From some posts I’ve seen, just like me if you know you have to have chemo it’s pretty scary! So, I thought I would write a blog about my good / bad days. Plus this should encourage me to come to this site more, as it is truly helpful- wi...