feeling fine

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thought i would say hello on here the sun is shining,nice and warm not to hot because yes i know after chemo your skin is sensitive,how long does this last i am not sure anyway have my first outpatients check up next month i am was told enjoy your life you are now in remission for how long i thought?? yes i know think positive my company i work for are now chasing me to go back to work but i still do not feel fit enough lots of days i still feel tired other full of life the company do not understand this illness does anyone.....i am due to retire next year 2010 so i see there point they want there staff back but i am frightened if i will be ok what do i do retire or try i want my normal life back is this the way to start and try...will i ever be normal who am i trying to fool any thoughts on this blog please let me know i feel so low what to do about going back to work my doctor says take my time but i want my life back
  • FormerMember

    but you could do a staged return, say 2 days a week for a month, then 3 days, then 4 days before going back full time.  Don't worry about being well some days and not others.  Your body will adjust to being well on working days and resting on other days.  

    You can negotiate a rest in the rest room in the lunch hour.  After eating, you could lean back and have a little sleep for say 20 minutes, which would make a lot of difference.  If they want you back, you are in a good negotiating position.  First of all, see how you feel if you go for a day.  If you really aren't up to it, you can try again a month later.  You may decide you don't feel up to going full time at all, so see if you can do say 25 hours a week until you retire.  Be strong and say no if you feel over stressed by it, but once you are back in the swing, it will be a lot easier.  

    As someone who has only been able to temp for the last few years, I am well accustomed to how you feel when you go back after a break of a few months.  The first couple of days are devastatingly exhausting, so don't worry about feeling like that at first.  Even if you crawl home to bed in the first week, you will soon feel better.  

    I hope this helps


  • FormerMember

    I have my second out patients appointment after radiotherapy next Tuesday, but on hormone therapy for the next 2.5 years and possible rest of my life. Will not know whether the treatment has been sucessful till November.

    I've come to the conclusion that life will never go back to what it was when I was first diagnosed with cancer, come to the conclusion that my aim is to achive an ordinary life as much as possible.  

    After 16 weeks after completion of radiotherapy still getting minor side effects but now over the tiredness. Now beginning to look forward to living again.

    What I have discovered that my treatment and recovery from cancer is subject to much long timescales than any other illness that I have ever had and I am not a very patient person

    Like the previous blog take it easy, listen to what your body is telling you, and set your own priorities to those that are importent to u

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember

    I reckon anybody who's suffered the trauma of cancer and come out the other end is entitled to enjoy life. So take Rwth's advice and ease yourself into work gradually if that's what you want to do. If you don't feel like it, take your doc's advice and don't go back until you're ready.

    After I was diagnosed, and when realised I hadn't actually died, I thought, sod it, I'm going to do my own thing from now on. So I please myself and no bugger else (as far as it's possible!) I intend to spend the rest of my life setting myself little challenges and achieving them. I have a very supportive partner who eggs me on to greater and greater adventures. 2 years ago, having never camped in my life and already having my bus pass, we bought a tent and have been all over France with it. This year, we did a 165 mile cycle ride in France, carrying our clean drawers etc on the bikes and staying in little hotels. Yesterday, we bought a trailer camper, with a view to cycling in Germany next year (and doing a lot of other stuff in between times).

    Sorry to bang on. I just wanted to say that life is too precious to be wasted dancing to somebody else's tune. So do your own thing, girl, and best of luck with it. By all means go back to work if that's what you want to do, but have some fun as well. In fact, have lots of fun!

    Best wishes, Shelagh