The marathon training goes on, and on

Less than one minute read time.

14 miles yesterday, first 7 in 1hr 14, last 7 in just under 1hr 16. Felt pretty good till 8 ish miles, but tough from then on, particularly from 10 on. Finding that my lower back is hurting a bit from around then (bit of core work needed then! Hip stability I think). Along with leaden legs. Much, much slower than this time last year and my running style is also different (heel striking rather than fore foot).

My hydration and nutrition (drink and food to normal people) strategy so far has been porridge before the run, water with a bit of juice, and a couple of jelly beans each mile (small pleasures!). Going to try gels for next long run.

Saturday morning runners not terribly friendly on my route - please smile or say hello! I know it was drizzling, but I found it the same last saturday when it was sunny!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bliss,

    Looks like you are going to prove me wrong, no more problems with Hammy,s a very good sign.

    Still plenty of time to go so gently gently. Like the idea of jelly beans. Keep going Bliss you will get there no doubt. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx