Third time lucky!

1 minute read time.

Saw my consultant yesterday and told him my decision was to have carboplatin and taxol weekly (three weeks on and one week off will be one cycle) The CA125 will be checked after cycles 2 and 4 and if that is improving I will have two more cycles so six in all. This will be the third time having carbo/taxol so keeping everything crossed that it works!  Of course, my hair will go again so I think a new wig is needed as I have had the same one for over three years. It is a very good one but time for something different methinks!

         Our lovely daughter came with us to the hospital this time and met the consultant. She lives in Leeds and although she speaks to me on the phone everyday, I think she feels far away from the situation. I had to tell her and her two brothers recently that the hospital is looking to control my cancer rather than cure it and this was very hard for them to hear. They know , however, that I will never give up and are heartened by my optimism.

          So it was back to the hospital today for a GFR test, to check my kidney function ...I didn't expect that to happen so quickly but once a decision is made, my consultant tends to act fast!  Now I just have to wait for my chemo schedule and then off we go, kicking this disease into touch.

           Lots of love to all,

                  lizzie xx




  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Bizzielizzie,

    Thats what I like to hear that positive outlook.It takes strength,courage,understanding,and caring to deal with whats ahead,and you seem to have them all in abundance.It wont be easy, but you have  the tools to beat it.All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe, Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    HI  Lizzie,

    I'm glad you've got it worked out now.  I always had my blood test/CA125 before every 3 weekly visit to my oncologist, so he knew how I had responded to the last treatment. That was why he didn't panic when my scan took 6 weeks.... he knew the CA125 was down to regular levels even then.

    Good luck with the new wig  , perhaps you'd better get a pink one for something different!

    Love n Hugs


  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie.. Nice one girl, at least your consultant has acted fast, good luck with the treatment and I have every thing crossed for you love. I have just got a new wig, it looks like a blond ferret when it is on the table, I think I will called it George and offer it some dog food!!!!!! Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie, Glad you have sorted your treatment out, you have a really positive outlook on life and thats good. Keep us posted on your treatment, Good Luck and Best Wishes, Love Sue xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie, l had carbo and taxol three times for ovarian cancer. I have since had caylyx. L have chemo like you to keep in cancer under contol because like you l cant be cured. well done for being positive its the way to do it. I keep bouncing back after each round and l hope you do too.

    Love Rosie