bizzie lizzie Hi I'm new.....

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Hi, I am new to the site and have been reading through the posts and finding amazing supportive people. I was diagnosed with stage 3/4 ovarian cancer in 2007. I had extensive surgery and 7 cycles of carbo/taxol. This was followed by 14 months remission but then I relapsed and had another 6 cycles of the above. After 7 months in remission I relapsed again and am now on liposomal doxorubicin(Caelyx). I am feeling quite well at the moment but have a few questions and would value your comments.

Firstly, I have had quite severe muscle pain in my legs due apparently to the taxol.  Have others experienced this? Secondly, I had an infection in my wound after surgery (must have happened in hospital as I had only been home a day when my wound dressing filled up with blood and leaked out giving me quite a shock!) Am I alone in this? Have to say my scar is not a thing of beauty! Lastly, Has anyone had different chemo to the ones I have already mentioned , particularly for advanced ov/ca.  Thanks for taking the time to read this. Very best wishes to you all. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hiya chic....I was diagnosed with OC stage 3 in 2008 and started on Carbo and taxol and yes I had joint and muscle pain because of the taxol, it took me a year of physio to sort that out. Carbo and Taxol didn't work for me so I was put on Doxorubicin, cisplatin and one other the name escapes me, I also had major surgery because my cancer had spread rapidly in 3 months. I was in remission for a year but the tumours that were left in the lining of my stomach started to grown and multiply again, I am now on Cisplatin IV and estopiside in tablet form. My scar got infected but was rapidly treated with iodine which worked, I also have a stoma. My blogs explain what happened to me from April 08 if you want to read them. I wish you all the best with your treatment. Take Carol x

  • Sounds like you've been through the wars, lizzie. As Carol (Kezzerbird) says there may be a battle but you can win ...

    Good Luck and Good wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Thanks Carol, I have read your blogs and love your fighting spirit. You are an inspiration ,long may you grace these pages. Lots of love, lizzie x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for getting in touch KateG. I appreciate your good wishes and I am fighting the battle to win. Very best wishes to you, love lizzie x

  • FormerMember

    muscle pain is common in chemo of any type, i have had fec 100 and am starting taxotere next week... as far as i am aware its simmilar to  taxol, thankfully not had infection so fingers crossed... good luck to you lizzie...

    courage when your scared to death ... but you saddle up anyway

    liz xxx