Unknown Primary

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I have been thinking the following?

If the cancer i have is unknown Primary then how do they know how to treat it and for how long may sound a bit strange but it makes you wonder how they come up with the treatment for something they cant find as the cause?

Anyone else ever wondered about the UNKNOWN Primary and treatment thereof?

Answers on a postcard with your name and address to Blue Peter, c/o BBC London LOL


  • FormerMember

    aw biggles, happy new year to you and your family.  Sorry to hear your news, it does sound a little strange they dont know what the primary is.  Have you had MRI and CT scan ??

    Lets hope they are talking a load of crap and get you sorted asap.  take care


  • FormerMember

    Hi Biggles, my lovely mum has also got a primary that cant be found. she has advanced secondary liver cancer. Just appeared out of the blue 2 months ago. They think that it's the type that is usuall inthe lings but ther is no sign of it there or anywhere else. It's very fraustrating. She is having chemo for that but they're not sure really if it is from the lungs.I also read a blog from a lady who went into remission from the secondry liver whenthey never found the primary - odd that as there is some cancer lurking around in there somewhere so how can it be remission? Apparently though it is common not to find the primary. good luck. we are hoping for a miracle. Dawn B-N (Avyi)

  • FormerMember

    so funny well ive got an unknown primary got secondary in my liver but try as they might cant find anything else got told could p[ossibly have burnt itself out well wish the bloody secondary would do the same if ya dont mind lol!!! instead i start eox chemo next week so not looking forward to that but hey if thats what they say i need got no choice i guess i have had every test and scan going and still sweet nothing oh im not fussed to be honest im just glad its not there and if the professionals say its not there who am i to disagree (think thats in an annie lennox song!!!! lol!!!)

    take care love jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    good luck Jen - mum's had three chemo's now and we are awaiting the first after-chemo scan to see if it's working. dreading that appt. We have to think of chemo as our friend as it's the only thing at the moment that can kick some butt!  

    lots of luck - Dawn

  • FormerMember

    Yes had ct scan Pet Scan left tonsil removed etc and they still find nothing, seems strange but i seem to think they got it all out when they removed the first lump out