Unknown Primary

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I have been thinking the following?

If the cancer i have is unknown Primary then how do they know how to treat it and for how long may sound a bit strange but it makes you wonder how they come up with the treatment for something they cant find as the cause?

Anyone else ever wondered about the UNKNOWN Primary and treatment thereof?

Answers on a postcard with your name and address to Blue Peter, c/o BBC London LOL


  • FormerMember

    Hi Biggles, My primary cancer was not found until one year after I had a second cancerous lymph node removed! I was initially told that sometimes the Primary is so tiny that the bodies own immune system can deal with it! I was eventually diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal Cancer(rare) however, I am currently 3 years,2 months Post-treatment and tomorrow I have another 4 monthly review appointment,fingers crossed!

    Best wishes and big hugs to all, Alison.x

  • FormerMember

    Happy New Year Al!

    You ask how can they treat an unknown cancer? Well maybe they have Broad Spectrum Chemo drugs just like they do with antibiotics when you have an unknown virus they give you a Broad Spectum Antibiotic which means that it can treat a broad spectrum of virus's.

    Who knows you should ask your onc!!  Good Luck with your treatment!

    Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Biggles,

    So they cant find your Primary. Well nothing suprises me. I must admit Im at a loss. Sorry Friend.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    hi evryone julie yes you are right tey give you chemo to target everything when they cant find the primary after i had my last biopsy and found nothing again the consultant has now said she would have to rethink the chemo so heres hoping its that small that the first chemo will blast it into oblivion had my pre admission today chemo wednesday bring it on !!!!!

    love and hugs jen xxx